Ujean & Glazyrin -Russian Matt-peynting

Matte-Painting, despite the unfamiliar name to most of us, more than a century the art of cinematography. And we see the product-Matt peyntinga almost every Hollywood movie, where there are strange landscapes and vast expanses.
Matte-Painting, according to the definition - Wikipedia, "large-scale hand-drawn images used in film, on television and in the production of computer games to create an illusion in the frame of the environment, which for some reason can not shoot or play a kind of material with the help of scenery." < br />
"The Lord of the Rings," "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Terminator 4", both "Watch", "Inhabited Island", "Wanted" - without Matt-peyntinga would be simply impossible.
And traditional advertising takes any technology, anywhere (especially from the movie), adapting them to fit your needs. Prints created with matte-painting, stand scale, the finest detail, perfect lighting and so on and so forth.
And we were surprised to find out that in our country there are people who are professionally engaged in this kind of graphics and make it just fine. Studio Ujean & Glazyrin consists of two people living apart at a distance of thousands of miles, and you only see what they can do.