Here are vivid examples of life in the capital of England.

As they say - good there where we are not.
Here are vivid examples of life in the capital of England.
1) There is no central heating, as we have. That is in the house is served only cold water and electricity. So, if you live in the center of London is usually worth stove in the house, it periodically buy a gas cylinder with an expensive Gazkom from expensive and Gazprom itself is heated. Tap water and a battery is the same. That is podbavit gazku was the heat in the room, went to bathe, all the water is warmed from the battery flows into the tub and walk into a cold room.
Moreover, and water and gas are expensive, outside London there are cases pensioners pension is not enough for heating, frozen in finding homes. The houses are usually wall cardboard unlike ours. If you live in residential areas of the city, and there the water warms electricity in homes as we dachas instantaneous heaters, which we put in the shower or in Moscow, where the hot water is turned off for 2 weeks. Usually, all washed in the shower head from the power showers razogrevalki no direct the body to drive a little trickle of drifted, unlike our Moscow smashing you down. I first came back like soooo good buzz from the powerful Russian soul caught !!! To good pressure pump it was necessary to put the house further, but it is only the rich are doing it. Bath is also not at all, usually only showers.
2) for water and electricity are a lot of pay plus council tax (this is a local tax on households) as a result of the night often people themselves heating otklyuchyut winter and all sleep under a warm blanket, I'm Scottish family room is rented, he slept in his pants, T-shirt, a sweater and a cap on his head, as the cardboard walls in homes and very cold. then he moved to the center of London, where he had commanded a bourgeois and stoked to the maximum, but it was still cold, not that of our radiators, which in the winter so that herachat at minus 25 outside the window opens from the heat.
3) Crime is higher than in Moscow. If the bus at night with the club can not you go sit on the second floor can doebatsya better closer to the driver, and if someone starts talking to pretend that you do not understand English, will be left behind. There are areas (south-east, east, south of London) which in business suit or dressed if suneshsya normal, 300 meters will not pass - undress, everything will be taken away. I have not tried to call in such areas, but we were in college events. Police is not enough, local residents have complained for a long time and then decided to form the municipalities of vigilantes, it's like a police officer, but a little different in shape and do not have a gun.
4) The budget is not enough money for many social things, like psychos in the nuthouse, and have therefore released. A psycho out there like they are back and want to take back, they began to push people into the subway under the train to death, the newspaper wrote, then put them back, and all the money allocated for maintenance.
5) On the subway is not enough money in the budget. trains run so disgusting, unlike Moscow, often get stuck and can not move for hours in a tunnel full of people. At the station you come there as a rule as the reports from the front on the blackboard writing, saying that such a such a line and stood for 2 hours worth of on such a delay of 40 minutes. And the monthly ticket on the subway costs $ 200 if you do not live in the center, such as a 6-zone. Salaries them in Moscow, where some 22,000 pounds before tax is considered a year on average in London, but after taxes it is about 15,000, it turns into a month where that 1150 pounds on the lives of whom dick for communal, travel on public transport and lousy cloud costs that we are small. The result is income they complete ass, I have a family of Scottish lived because of Moscow's habit in the supermarket meat expensive to buy all sorts, sausage, and did not even pay attention, as is watching the children go to salivate and my mistress tartan asks "Are you from a wealthy family in Russia", I say "no, out of the ordinary, middle-class."
6) The British culture is different. In the subway at rush hour the men with the women can fight due to the fact that the pace someone someone came, cuss when nazhrutsya very aggressive and arrogant, like our cattle. In the center specifically set urolifty because the people coming out of the clubs and pissing straight on the road and at home, so after 23 brought such mobile urinals in the middle of the sidewalk put, that they Ssali.
7) Relationship to Russian - the people of the third grade. Second grade them Australians, Germans (for what that was bombed in 43em). Russian fear is often considered the Mafia or prostitutes. Establish communication is not easy to understand what is normal. I was there a German woman. I'm with the German diaspora lot of hanging out, was the case at the club until her buhie Anglic dug, I approached them with me straddle started, type go leave, I'm crap bricks, four to one, and she tells them that's my guy, he's from Russia, So I caught a glimpse of how he got that behind me as the type of shows his hand on the neck cutting the throat if the type is not necessary to touch me and the rest is now all crap and took away (I think the type of mafia grohnu).
8) Anglic love those who do not Anglic substitute. There was a case of one guy Russian, I do not know him, he's a friend of my friend Scot, so he worked at a factory in the suburbs of London and went to the New Year to celebrate hang out in London, the factory at this time broke into someone at the checkpoint, and there defeated Coca-Coln machine that sells soda and brushed it all. So all together we piled up on the guy, like he did. And if the Scot did not go out there and the police would not have written the statement that this guy was with him during the New Year in London, the guy would be planted.