Alcoholic paradise
The amount of alcohol in Tuchke ten thousand times more than the volume of all water on Earth
Scientists have discovered an inexhaustible Manchester Institute "space bar"! The constellation Aquila they saw a cloud of alcohol.
"Drink" is stored in a very chilled - at a temperature of minus 148 degrees Celsius. The amount of alcohol in Tuchke ten thousand times more than the volume of all water on Earth. But for alcoholics paradise for us inaccessible - it is located at a distance of ten thousand light-years away from our planet.
Scientists have discovered an inexhaustible Manchester Institute "space bar"! The constellation Aquila they saw a cloud of alcohol.
"Drink" is stored in a very chilled - at a temperature of minus 148 degrees Celsius. The amount of alcohol in Tuchke ten thousand times more than the volume of all water on Earth. But for alcoholics paradise for us inaccessible - it is located at a distance of ten thousand light-years away from our planet.