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Russian Internet users will increasingly held accountable for "unfounded criticism" politicians and "derogatory remarks." According to "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", the spread of the network "sharp but unsubstantiated criticism of the authorities' concerned even in the Kremlin.
A source close to the presidential administration, said that some journalists "on the Internet go beyond the limits." "The outdated media law are not spelled out rules governing the behavior of the press in the network. And there is fixed a lot of violations on its part ", - he said.
A deputy of the faction "United Russia" Sergei Zheleznyak said that the main problem in this case is not even the official media, and anonymous online criticism. "The law already provides for the corresponding responsibility for journalists - and for publications and authors. But what if some anonymous user allows himself to insulting remarks? In this direction, we will consider issues related to the improvement of legislation in order to create the illusion of anonymity no impunity for these people ", - said United Russia.
In this regard, even during the autumn session of the State Duma may consider a bill that would allow "deanonimizirovat" and prosecute critics hiding behind nicknames. It is about making such changes to the legislation that "will help to establish the identity of those who, under the cover of anonymity, commit crimes online. This is a very serious work, it does not apply to the media - it relates to the Internet, "- said Zhelezniak. According to him, a month should see "concrete proposals for the revision of the legislation in this direction».
Thus, soon bloggers and online forums users will have to closely monitor his remarks, without relying on a network anonymity. "If a citizen calls a particular party or a particular person, then it will be possible to indict. For example, if he mentions "the party of crooks and thieves" and says what structure has in mind. Internet should not be a zone of lawlessness. We're just doing this work and "- concluded the deputy.