Theft of a very ancient tombs and usual activities

Researchers from the Mummy Project-Fatebenefratelli hospital in Milan, Italy, found that one of the priests in the Ming Akhmim, Ankhpakhered, not slept peacefully in his beautifully painted sarcophagus.
"We found that the sarcophagus contains the mummy of the priest, and the remains of a completely different person, dating from between 400 and 100 years BC," says Egyptologist Sabina Melgora.

According to the researchers, the discovery may indicate the development of plundering tombs more than 2,000 years ago. Relatives of the mysterious man lying instead of the priest, stole a beautiful sarcophagus, which belongs to the period between the 22nd 23rd Dynasty (ca. 945-715 BC), to ensure their loved relative or friend a proper burial and a good afterlife. < br />
"This is - just a hypothesis. But probably it was quite common, especially during periods of economic and political crisis, when the cemetery was left without any supervision, "said a inervyu Discovery News - Melgora, co-director Mummy Project with Luca Bernardo idirektorbolnitsy Maternal and Child Unit Operations at the Fatebenefratelli.


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