Colorful insect eggs
We present you an amazing collection of images of insect eggs Martin Oeggerli. All photographs made using a scanning electron microscope. Then the black-and-white images have been processed and were converted to color, to most accurately convey the unusual natural shape and form eggs. In reality, the size of the eggs of insects are very small, ranging from 0, 7 to 2 millimeters.
1. Egg butterfly Dryas iulia on coiled tendrils of passion flower.
2. Bedbugs - defenders usually lay their eggs in small groups, reliable gluing them to the list. Numerous tiny growths are for the respiratory process.
3. A tiny butterfly colorful egg Kaliga.
4. fertilized egg blue morpho butterflies. The wingspan of the adult of this species can be up to twenty centimeters. This is one of the biggest butterflies of the world.
5. The egg is very rare copper-butterfly beautiful butterfly. This species of Lepidoptera beauties very fussy and lays eggs on only one plant species - European Perennials gippokrepis.
6. Relief egg butterfly tsetoziya Biblis.
7. The tiny butterfly eggs tolstogolovki deposited on a sheet of a lotus horned. There are more than four thousand species of this family.
8. Zhёltenkie cabbage butterfly eggs hidden from the public eye under the lower leaves of cabbage.
9. Egg butterfly Nymphalidae.
1. Egg butterfly Dryas iulia on coiled tendrils of passion flower.
2. Bedbugs - defenders usually lay their eggs in small groups, reliable gluing them to the list. Numerous tiny growths are for the respiratory process.
3. A tiny butterfly colorful egg Kaliga.
4. fertilized egg blue morpho butterflies. The wingspan of the adult of this species can be up to twenty centimeters. This is one of the biggest butterflies of the world.
5. The egg is very rare copper-butterfly beautiful butterfly. This species of Lepidoptera beauties very fussy and lays eggs on only one plant species - European Perennials gippokrepis.
6. Relief egg butterfly tsetoziya Biblis.
7. The tiny butterfly eggs tolstogolovki deposited on a sheet of a lotus horned. There are more than four thousand species of this family.
8. Zhёltenkie cabbage butterfly eggs hidden from the public eye under the lower leaves of cabbage.
9. Egg butterfly Nymphalidae.