Rare photo 4
Continue the popular theme. Some unknown date. If someone tell me, I'll be glad.
37 President Richard Nixon at the central market in Moscow. 1992 god
1971. Nuclear explosion at Mururoa Atoll in French Polynesia. Photography is often used for desktop wallpaper and many believe 3D grafikoy.
Adolf Hitler dressed in field uniforms during the First World War. 1915 god
Adolf Hitler jokes with devushkami
Alois Hitler, Adolf Hitler's Nazi father, dressed in the uniform of the Austrian veterana
Albert Einstein with a doll depicting his samogo
Albert Eynshteyn
Alfred Hichkok
American acrobat in the 20s of last veka
US military patrol in the area Vetname
Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin
Arnie in the midst of a career kulturista
Barack Obama and John Makkeyn
Bob Marley plays futbol
Great Theatre of the early 20th veka
Boris Yeltsin dancing at a concert in Rostov. June 10, 1996 g
Wright Brothers rejoice, the first successful flight of its detischa
Brezhnev bane
Bruce Li
Lenin and Stalin in Gorki. 1922 god
Lenin and Krupskaya Lenin with his nephew Victor and daughter working faith in Gorki. August-September 1922
Veterans of the Great Patriotic War. May 9, 2002 goda
Vladimir Zhirinovsky at the event opening rock club in Moscow. 1992 god
Vladislav Tretyak
Henry Ford
Hitler and his family Gebels (Goebbels)
Hitler show the layout of the famous Zhuka
Gorky and Lenin on Capri playing shahmaty
George W. Bush, as always, with a straight face))
Egypt. 1859 god
Defender of the pyramid MMM. After the arrest of Sergei Mavrodi
The famous biker gang Angels ada
Ivan Pavlov and his guinea sobaka
The game of polo avtomobilyah
Known mobsters Al Capone
Yip Man taught the young Bruce Lee's kung-fu
St. Isaac's Cathedral. 1852. The picture is interesting because it is embodied in the old Big Stone Bridge, which will disassemble in 1857 godu..
Fighter crashes. Pilot katapultirovalsya
As seen in the photos, this is Miss Philadelphia. Only here a year neizvesten
As the name on the board, it's a train on an air cushion. Apparently did not catch on ...
Klara Hitler, nee crawled mother Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. 1890 god
classic view of the Kremlin in 1852 g
Clint Eastwood on the set of one of his legendary westerns
Communist rally in Moscow. 1992 god
Queen Elizabeth II
Coronation of Elizabeth II. 1953 go
Bathing Nicholas II
A boy selling newspaper with the news about the death of Titanika
Marine escapes from crashed helicopter, which can vzorvatsya
Muhammad Ali at home obstanovke
Marilyn Monroe and distorting mirror
On the set of Three mushketerov
On the set of the film "The Birds"
Real cowboys wild zapada
Start of production Harley Devidson
Nikita Khrushchev talks in poezde
Nikita Khrushchev fun at ohote
Nancy Reagan and Mr. Ti
Auguste and Louis Lumière, inventors kinematografa
One of the most interesting pictures - construction site of the Temple of Christ the Savior in 1852 g..
Elvis serving urgent sluzhbu
All in the first McDonald's in SSSR
Preparations start monkeys kosmos
Fire brigade, Brooklyn. 1910 god
The consequences of the bombing napalmom
Staged photo of this nature were fashionable in America from the early 20th veka.
US President Barack Obama and Secretary Ray Lahud.
US President Barack Obama and the statue supermena.
Pierre and Marie Curie, the discoverer of radioactivity in their laboratorii.
Midst of the fighting during the Vietnam voyny
Richard Nikson.
Drop bombs on Vietnam territoriyu
Silvio Berlusconi shows "goat"
Stalin krivlyaetsya
Steve Jobs reveals facts AyBiEmu
Storoitel skyscraper resting after obeda
Shooting Robokopa
These were Centerfolds early last veka
Winston Churchill on plyazhe
Fallen cadet. Moscow 1999 god
Fans Bittlz
Fanny Kaplan shot at Lenina
Franklin and Ruzvelt
Lead screws Titanika
Khrushchev podkurivaet president Ahmed Sukarno of Indonesia.
Charles Manson are the building suda
Black oversees marched Kuklus - klana.
Storming the White House. Special Forces "Alpha» .
Elvis in armii
Andy Uorhol
37 President Richard Nixon at the central market in Moscow. 1992 god

1971. Nuclear explosion at Mururoa Atoll in French Polynesia. Photography is often used for desktop wallpaper and many believe 3D grafikoy.

Adolf Hitler dressed in field uniforms during the First World War. 1915 god

Adolf Hitler jokes with devushkami

Alois Hitler, Adolf Hitler's Nazi father, dressed in the uniform of the Austrian veterana

Albert Einstein with a doll depicting his samogo

Albert Eynshteyn

Alfred Hichkok

American acrobat in the 20s of last veka

US military patrol in the area Vetname

Angela Merkel and Vladimir Putin

Arnie in the midst of a career kulturista

Barack Obama and John Makkeyn

Bob Marley plays futbol

Great Theatre of the early 20th veka

Boris Yeltsin dancing at a concert in Rostov. June 10, 1996 g

Wright Brothers rejoice, the first successful flight of its detischa

Brezhnev bane

Bruce Li

Lenin and Stalin in Gorki. 1922 god

Lenin and Krupskaya Lenin with his nephew Victor and daughter working faith in Gorki. August-September 1922

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War. May 9, 2002 goda

Vladimir Zhirinovsky at the event opening rock club in Moscow. 1992 god

Vladislav Tretyak

Henry Ford

Hitler and his family Gebels (Goebbels)

Hitler show the layout of the famous Zhuka

Gorky and Lenin on Capri playing shahmaty

George W. Bush, as always, with a straight face))

Egypt. 1859 god

Defender of the pyramid MMM. After the arrest of Sergei Mavrodi

The famous biker gang Angels ada

Ivan Pavlov and his guinea sobaka

The game of polo avtomobilyah

Known mobsters Al Capone
Yip Man taught the young Bruce Lee's kung-fu

St. Isaac's Cathedral. 1852. The picture is interesting because it is embodied in the old Big Stone Bridge, which will disassemble in 1857 godu..

Fighter crashes. Pilot katapultirovalsya

As seen in the photos, this is Miss Philadelphia. Only here a year neizvesten

As the name on the board, it's a train on an air cushion. Apparently did not catch on ...

Klara Hitler, nee crawled mother Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. 1890 god

classic view of the Kremlin in 1852 g

Clint Eastwood on the set of one of his legendary westerns
Communist rally in Moscow. 1992 god

Queen Elizabeth II

Coronation of Elizabeth II. 1953 go

Bathing Nicholas II
A boy selling newspaper with the news about the death of Titanika

Marine escapes from crashed helicopter, which can vzorvatsya

Muhammad Ali at home obstanovke

Marilyn Monroe and distorting mirror
On the set of Three mushketerov

On the set of the film "The Birds"

Real cowboys wild zapada

Start of production Harley Devidson

Nikita Khrushchev talks in poezde

Nikita Khrushchev fun at ohote

Nancy Reagan and Mr. Ti

Auguste and Louis Lumière, inventors kinematografa

One of the most interesting pictures - construction site of the Temple of Christ the Savior in 1852 g..

Elvis serving urgent sluzhbu

All in the first McDonald's in SSSR

Preparations start monkeys kosmos

Fire brigade, Brooklyn. 1910 god

The consequences of the bombing napalmom

Staged photo of this nature were fashionable in America from the early 20th veka.

US President Barack Obama and Secretary Ray Lahud.

US President Barack Obama and the statue supermena.

Pierre and Marie Curie, the discoverer of radioactivity in their laboratorii.

Midst of the fighting during the Vietnam voyny

Richard Nikson.

Drop bombs on Vietnam territoriyu

Silvio Berlusconi shows "goat"

Stalin krivlyaetsya

Steve Jobs reveals facts AyBiEmu

Storoitel skyscraper resting after obeda

Shooting Robokopa

These were Centerfolds early last veka

Winston Churchill on plyazhe

Fallen cadet. Moscow 1999 god

Fans Bittlz

Fanny Kaplan shot at Lenina

Franklin and Ruzvelt

Lead screws Titanika

Khrushchev podkurivaet president Ahmed Sukarno of Indonesia.
Charles Manson are the building suda

Black oversees marched Kuklus - klana.

Storming the White House. Special Forces "Alpha» .

Elvis in armii

Andy Uorhol