Petanque balls by Chanel
fashion house Chanel has made a set of balls for petanque, a popular game in the south of France. Set worth € 2000 includes eight steel balls with a proprietary brand ravine and wooden ball, called "koshone." Set to play stowed in a wicker box with recognizable letters «C» on the cover. Petanque game is not very common in Russia, although recently the Minister of Sports of Chuvashia Anatoly Nikolaev announced its intention to develop the region in a ward this sport. But this game is very popular in the south of France and is considered the national sport of Provence. In some ways resembles petanque curling, the action takes place not only on the ice. Briefly about the game can be found in Wikipedia, and more - on the website of the Russian Federation of petanque.
British TV presenter Alexa Chung with a new set of bowls from Chanel