High-speed train of the future from Priestmangoode

British design studio Priestmangoode introduced the concept of high-speed train of the future. Chetyrehsotmetrovy train with two-level cars, called Mercury, can reach speeds of 360 km / h. In addition to the passenger compartment and seats, the composition is proposed to equip a children's play area, a seating area and bar. The makers claim that their child will become a new icon of the British technical design on par with the supersonic airliner Concorde, World War II fighter Spitfire, Rolls-Royce and recognizable decker bus Routemaster. "We need a new symbol to revive the prestige of Britain as a global leader in design and technology" - the authors write ideas. Paul Priestman of Priestmangoode, author of the famous train Virgin Pendolino, believes that without modern luxury train anywhere in the world today and it is necessary to convince the government of the need for the construction of the British high-speed line.