iPhone into a Travelers Aid

influential magazine about leisure travel Travel + Leisure has compiled a list of the best apps for the iPhone, to help strangers. The best of the best was recognized program Kayak, allowing the phone to see the flight schedule, choose a hotel and book a place. There are both free and paid version of the product. Professional version for $ 1, 99 allows you to purchase tickets for the first and business class aircraft. The magazine noted Worldmate application with similar functionality. This program is in addition to others, the following changes in the schedule of planes and warned of delays, the weather forecast, exchange rates and more. It is worth noting that to travel to Russia both softiny not too suitable. Many large cities, including the capital of the Russian Federation subёktov, unknown to them. But to travel in the countries of the Western world, such assistants may be very useful. To collect suitcases Travel + Leisure recommends Packing Pro. This app reminds you of all the necessary things in the trip. With a choice of restaurants will Zagat to Go, combines information on food items from 45 different popular guides. For a complete list of recommended applications, you can visit the website Travel + Leisure.