Dewar's is launching a book series

In memory of Tommy Dewar Dewar's is launching a new project to develop the idea of famous Dewar's Readings. "Reading Dyuaristov" - a selective series of books by contemporary authors, reflecting the original and witty look at the world in the spirit of Dewar. Tommy Dewar became famous for his witty and profound aphorisms. They have become a tuning fork, which allows to combine different authors in the same series, addressed supporters dyuarizma. The texts included in "Reading Dyuaristov" has not been published in Russian, and, quite possibly, without the intervention of Dewar's and they would not have seen in Russia. The first book in the series will be "Born to destroy" Jeremy Clarkson, host of the popular program Top Gear, whose release is scheduled for December 2010. Bright publicist, Clarkson in the original can easily bluff manner, witty and unaffiliated write about anything - and the surrounding reality gets him even more than the ridiculous inventions of the world car industry. Suffice it to say that the review of this book begins with the words "Now, hold on - Clarkson is back!". In addition, in early 2011 as part of "Reading Dyuaristov" will be released one of the five books of George Carlin - the legendary artist of the genre of stand up comedy, writer and social critic, honored with six awards Grammy. Biting, precise and rough sketches Carlin - effective personal training and inner freedom, at the same time, it refreshes the mind reading.
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