"Scream" has set an absolute record value

picture of Norwegian artist Edvard Munch's "The Scream" was sold at Sotheby's auction for a record price - 119, 9 million dollars. This is the largest amount that has ever paid for a work of art at a public auction. Cloth put up for sale Norwegian Petter Olsen, whose father was a friend of the artist. The name of the new owner of the work has not been disclosed. Of the four existing versions of "Scream" - the only one belonging to a private individual. "The Scream" by Munch Norwegian Expressionist considered one of the most recognizable paintings in the history of art. A series of paintings under this name, the artist created in the years 1893-1910. Before the start of the auction price of the painting was estimated at $ 80 million. At the auction price rose to 119, 9 million in just 12 minutes. "Scream" broke the record set by a painting by Pablo Picasso's "Nude, green leaves and bust", which was sold in 2010 for 106, 5 million dollars.