Impressionists set a record

auction "Impressionist and Modern Art", which met in London, Sotheby's and Christie's, given the record results. At Sotheby's set three world records for the value of Edouard Manet, Andre Derain and Pierre Bonnard. Christie's for its evening auction was £ 152, 6 million, the highest amount ever collected in the auction in the UK. At the auction Sotheby's «Self-Portrait with Palette" Edouard Manet went for £ 22, 4 million. The former owner of the paintings was a collector and gambling tycoon Steve Wynn, the one that pierced his elbow own "Dream" by Pablo Picasso with a potential estimate of $ 139 million. "Trees Collioure "became the most expensive work of Andre Derain, sold at auction. Its cost was £ 16, 3 million. The third "personal" record at Sotheby's set a Pierre Bonnard, whose work "Breakfast, radiator", sold £ 6, 2 million. Total revenue of the auction house at these auctions amounted to £ 112 million. Sostyavshiesya next Day Christie's auction were the largest ever held in the UK. Top lot was the "Portrait of Angel Fernandez de Soto" by Pablo Picasso, formerly owned by Andrew Lloyd Weber. The painting was sold a little more expensive than the estimate - £ 34, 8 million. The surprise of trading was that in the 'pond with water lilies "by Claude Monet, valued at £ 30-40 million, there were no buyers. Before Monet waterlilies disagreed with a bang.