Sony SmartWatch - in the tail from Apple

Sony, once played the first game in the niche of music players, has given way to the pressure of i-gadgets from Apple. Now her fate - to copy creation dzhobsovskoy team. It seems such a device new product Sony SmartWatch. Hours stylistically and conceptually represent an imitation iPod Nano + Strap. Sony focuses on low price - $ 150. But it's not much different from the product Apple, which will cost $ 130 per player and $ 25 for a strap. (Compare shtatovskih prices, so make allowances for our reality). Watch Sony SmartWatch equipped with OLED-display 1, 3 inches and running Android. The gadget is paired with a smartphone, allowing read and send messages, answer calls and control your music without taking your mobile phone. So the advantages Sony can record more functional in comparison with the "apple" products. Default SmartWatch comes with a black strap. For an extra $ 20 you can buy a color bracelet.