HD3 Slyde - Swiss watch of the new century

Electronic clock with touch screens are becoming increasingly popular. Slyde by HD3 is very different from their counterparts. "Slide" looks solid, as befits a real Swiss watches, but not as bright hack for hipster. With such a digital clock are not ashamed to appear in polite company. Slyde is available in three packages: steel (6700 Swiss francs. Francs), titanium (7100) and the most expensive version of the 18-carat pink gold (30 000). There are also models with diamonds. Housing width is 48 mm, height - 58 mm. Screen resolution - 232 by 240 pixels. To activate the clock is easy enough to touch the screen. "Turning over" screens, the user selects the mode of operation: chronograph, countdown timer, calendar, moon phase indicator and a variety of custom calendars. HD3 promises new versions of the software, which will extend the existing set of "sliders". There are even limited editions of the software for a fee. Judging by the reviews, the system can not yet boast superb performance: the clock does not immediately come to life, with some delay, that spoils the impression. Also frustrating is that the sapphire screen HD3 Slyde zalapyvali from constant touch. Progress has its downside.

http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ib9GTkImEwQ video>
Jean Paul Gaultier Fall 2012
English designer Debbie Wing stitched dress price of 3, 5 million pounds.