Esther Bubley childhood
Esther Bubley - American photographer and author of talent, depicting ordinary people in their daily lives. In addition, Esther is internationally known for its lively and soulful photographs of children. Many years of experience in fotozhuralistiki, Esther has created more than one thousand images of children, forever caught in the frame of a children's liveliness and spontaneity.
On February 16, 1921 in a Jewish family of immigrants from Russia was born Esther Bubley, a talented photographer, known for its frank and emotional snapshots of everyday life. Falling in love with the art of photography at an early age, thanks to the magazine "Life", which had just emerged into the light, Esther was determined to become a professional photographer. Particularly attracted Woman photojournalism, in high school she became the editor of the school magazine, imitating your photos corporate identity "Life".
After leaving school, Esther entered the Lyceum of Arts and Design in Minneapolis and graduated in 1941 with a diploma of a professional photographer. The first job search brought her to the legendary magazine "Vogue", but work in the fashion world did not like Esther, because it attracted real photojournalism.
Dreaming to become an outstanding documentary photographer, Esther worked hard to create photo series for the photo series. After moving to Washington, she began to work as an fotolaboranta in the Office of War Information (Office of War Information, OWI). In this role skoromnoy she began her career in documentary photojournalism. In this case, all the free time Esther photographed, so soon her work noticed and appreciated. So she became a staff photographer for the civil service and began filming life in the rear in a difficult time of war.
In 1947, Esther Bubley was promoted to the photographer at the Federal Agency for Children (Federal child welfare agency). Working on this organization, she has done several thousand photographs of her work more than 30 times adorned the cover of the magazine "Child» («The Child»). And in 1948, the year her photo essay "History of Bus" (Bus Story) was declared the best photo series of the year.
This was followed by work on the women's magazine "Ladies' Home Journal", the position of a freelance photographer legendary illustrated "Life", orders from a variety of organizations from the "Pepsi-Cola" and "Panamerican" to the UN Children's Fund. Year after year, the talented photojournalist fame grew, the number of nominations and awards.
Esther Bubley lived in a time when most American women were unassuming and quiet life housewives, while she was able to succeed in such a difficult task, as the documentary photojournalism. Fulfilling orders for reports, Esther traveled a lot, not only in the US but also around the world and became one of the first female photographers who were able to secure a decent living, awards and public recognition, while remaining "free artist."
Esther Bubley continued to work until shortly before his death in 1998, when she died of cancer at age 77 in New York.

On February 16, 1921 in a Jewish family of immigrants from Russia was born Esther Bubley, a talented photographer, known for its frank and emotional snapshots of everyday life. Falling in love with the art of photography at an early age, thanks to the magazine "Life", which had just emerged into the light, Esther was determined to become a professional photographer. Particularly attracted Woman photojournalism, in high school she became the editor of the school magazine, imitating your photos corporate identity "Life".

After leaving school, Esther entered the Lyceum of Arts and Design in Minneapolis and graduated in 1941 with a diploma of a professional photographer. The first job search brought her to the legendary magazine "Vogue", but work in the fashion world did not like Esther, because it attracted real photojournalism.

Dreaming to become an outstanding documentary photographer, Esther worked hard to create photo series for the photo series. After moving to Washington, she began to work as an fotolaboranta in the Office of War Information (Office of War Information, OWI). In this role skoromnoy she began her career in documentary photojournalism. In this case, all the free time Esther photographed, so soon her work noticed and appreciated. So she became a staff photographer for the civil service and began filming life in the rear in a difficult time of war.

In 1947, Esther Bubley was promoted to the photographer at the Federal Agency for Children (Federal child welfare agency). Working on this organization, she has done several thousand photographs of her work more than 30 times adorned the cover of the magazine "Child» («The Child»). And in 1948, the year her photo essay "History of Bus" (Bus Story) was declared the best photo series of the year.

This was followed by work on the women's magazine "Ladies' Home Journal", the position of a freelance photographer legendary illustrated "Life", orders from a variety of organizations from the "Pepsi-Cola" and "Panamerican" to the UN Children's Fund. Year after year, the talented photojournalist fame grew, the number of nominations and awards.

Esther Bubley lived in a time when most American women were unassuming and quiet life housewives, while she was able to succeed in such a difficult task, as the documentary photojournalism. Fulfilling orders for reports, Esther traveled a lot, not only in the US but also around the world and became one of the first female photographers who were able to secure a decent living, awards and public recognition, while remaining "free artist."
Esther Bubley continued to work until shortly before his death in 1998, when she died of cancer at age 77 in New York.
