America 70 eyes of Soviet man
America has always occupied an important place in the minds of the Soviet people. On the one hand it was an ideological bogey, the quintessence of blemish, hell on earth, on the other hand, this was a fantastic country Eldorado, where the promoters described defects miraculously acquired some incomprehensible power of attraction.
Visually America represents a conglomeration of skyscrapers with neon signs «Marlboro», «Soka-Sola" and «Shell», luxury cars, bursting with an abundance of shop windows, crowds of unemployed Ku Klux klanovtsami a canopy and a gnarled dystrophic figure personifying social needs. Of course, in many ways this picture is formed under the influence of cartoons of the magazine "Crocodile».
In the 70s the magazine "Crocodile" mocked American democracy, then of Soviet citizens even imagine nobody could that after thirty years in the former Soviet Union, comes life, similar to the cartoons "Crocodile».
Source: skif-tag.livejournal.com
Visually America represents a conglomeration of skyscrapers with neon signs «Marlboro», «Soka-Sola" and «Shell», luxury cars, bursting with an abundance of shop windows, crowds of unemployed Ku Klux klanovtsami a canopy and a gnarled dystrophic figure personifying social needs. Of course, in many ways this picture is formed under the influence of cartoons of the magazine "Crocodile».

In the 70s the magazine "Crocodile" mocked American democracy, then of Soviet citizens even imagine nobody could that after thirty years in the former Soviet Union, comes life, similar to the cartoons "Crocodile».

Source: skif-tag.livejournal.com