Palau Islands

This publication is dedicated to the beautiful island - "Palau».
Just imagine ... the Philippine Sea, capturing the islands of the Caroline Archipelago, is the Republic of Palau, its area is 458 square kilometers. The largest islands of Palau are Koror, and Peleliu Babelthuap. The main part of the area - 367 square kilometer island Babelthuap.
But in fact it is so bright spot that just does not fit in the head, as the nature of all this could create! Imagine ... hundreds of marvelous islands that stretch over the azure waters of the ocean, barely rising above the water, encouraging the viewer's eye lush greenery in the gentle rays of the sun. Oh, but how it's beautiful bird's-eye view! The most amazing thing is that when these islands were colorful coral reefs. Palau Islands fabulously beautiful!

The absence of typhoons, generous rainfall, moderate fluctuations in temperature (from 26 to 32 degrees) to create this place an ideal environment for the plant world.

All the major islands of Palau abundantly covered with beautiful equatorial forests, groves and savannas, which consist of coconut palms and pandanus, and coastal parts of hunkering sand dunes and mangroves. Oh, and what a beauty waits to see who will take the northern part of the island ... there is Babelthuap breathtaking waterfall Ngardmau, it really delicious!

It is worth noting that the islands of Palau are rich not only plant, but also wildlife. Here you can meet a fruit bat, monkey, non-poisonous snakes, the amazing beauty of birds, insects and even wonderful crocodile and lizard. And what a rich underwater world here! Adjacent marine waters are home to 700 species of sponges and corals, for 1500 species of fish, cuttle fish, shellfish, manatees and turtles, hawksbill. In order to enjoy all this beauty, the islands of Palau attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists, all of which were satisfied and pleasantly surprised.
Talking about the islands of Palau not to mention the fact that the south of the island of Koror is about 200 limestone islands called "Rock", which are covered with jungle quicksand. Over the years, not a single groan ebb and flow eroded the base of the coral formations, and is now above the turquoise sea surface towering emerald, unusual shape islands. But this is not a feature of the islands Rock, there is much more landmarks in the lake ... "Medusa" (Dzhellifish). This bizarre lake via the caves connected with the sea, and in these caves inhabited by countless jellyfish.

Dzhellifish - a truly unique lake, filled with sea water and inhabited by millions of different jellyfish orange color. It is worth noting that all these jellyfish are not poisonous, and if desired, in this lake you can swim, the only thing you can not do in this lake - sink to the bottom of it, because there may be contained hydrogen sulfide that can have on the human body negative impact.
All the islands of Palau not tell, summarizing it can be noted that here everything is beautiful and unique! You definitely need to visit this fantastic corner of our
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