The island of Tasmania - the most beautiful place on Earth

This time we'll take a virtual tour of Art and in Australia, namely, the island of Tasmania. This beautiful and amazing place of our planet could not get in the list of places should visit!

Tasmania is located 260 kilometers to the south of the continent, its area - 70 kilometers. This is very, very beautiful place - a riot of greenery, extraordinary wildlife and underwater kingdom, which surprises and amuses the soul, it's all only a modest fraction of the vast ocean of beauty and uniqueness of this heavenly place.

It is here preserved rainforests! Tasmania can be proud of and brag about it, because it is the planet's last rain forests of the temperate zone, they are called the lungs of the Earth.
In this area, the humidity is 2000-4000 mm, there dwells two thirds of the animals that inhabit the planet. You probably did not know, but it is believed that it was in the impenetrable jungle of Tasmania live millions of living organisms, of which science has not even heard of! The uniqueness of this island is more that 46% of its territory is covered by forests, and 23% takes the national park.

Tasmania is on the "edge of the world", where unspoiled nature for survival battle outlandish animals that are found nowhere else. There is always something changing! This reserve island that nature has left the so-called "Southern Ocean", and now he has to constantly confront the most merciless winds and storms. This divinely beautiful place, it is called "Roaring Forties" - the name come up with the sailors, they define the space in the ocean, where the primacy of strong winds that uplift powerful storm. Tasmania collects moisture from two Atlantic and Indian oceans, here every year falls about 250 inches of rain.

The original inhabitants of this wonderful island were Taman natives who have lived here for 30,000 years, but, alas, they have not left ...
This portion of the earth's surprising everyone and climate is no exception, here in winter the temperature rises to 17, and sometimes in the summer does not exceed eight. It is on this island you can see the jungle, which reliably covers snow!
And the animals are also unique, what about Eastern quoll. With the onset of cold weather, it is hidden in a hollow, but as her young life depends on it, and that they have enough milk, responsible mammal rushes in search of food. At an altitude of over 1500 meters can not survive each animal, and speckled marten is the only marsupial that lives here.

One of the most beautiful places in Tasmania Cradle Mountain is the height of the latter exceeds the mark of 1500 meters. Every winter the top of this mountain is covered with snow white envelops it's so beautiful that no pictures, no words, this natural picture can never depict and convey.
You will also be interested to know that a long time ago Australia and Tasmania were connected by a land bridge, but the 11 000-12 000 years ago, the ocean rose and this "path" went to his underwater expanses.

How did beautiful here in the spring! Tasmania begins to take rich sunbathing, and its mountain flowers beat all the colors of nature. At this time the snow starts to melt inexorably, filling reservoirs that are literally teeming with fish. In the same period, the mysterious ocean "releases" the will of the kelp, the height of which sometimes reaches the 65-meter mark, in these algae find shelter amazing, and sometimes unknown marine creatures.
The island of Tasmania - the whole world, to whom to approach and try to touch every citizen of our Earth.