Ethiopian hell. Erta Ale

Many do not believe that there is a hell on earth, apparently, they never had to go to the north-east of Ethiopia, in fact there is the driest and hottest place on our planet where a thirty-degree heat perceived as frozen.

It is only the hardiest to high temperatures tourists dare to visit the Danakil desert to see the volcano Erta Ale, which is often called "smoking mountain" or "the road to hell».

Enough is considered rare presence of volcano lava lake, but Eartha El boasts just two, making this a truly unique attraction Ethiopia.

It is a miracle of nature, filled with boiling lava, it takes six hundred square meters. From its womb does not stop rising hot lava, which cools, forms a black shell.

This process, without stopping, going in circles, because a new piece of red-hot stones, which rise from the bottom, do not have to wait long.

Very often, because of the strong pressure of the fiery spray can rise up to forty meters in height. At such times it seems as if the lake bursts.

Local residents have long noticed that, about once in thirty years, the volcano shows all its power, and then have to save all sentient beings living in the vicinity.

Despite the restive nature of the volcano, there are daredevils who venture to approach the edge of the crater, taking advantage of the complete absence of any restrictions or barriers. The spectacle, flawlessly, fascinating, but it is not an argument, to risk their lives.