How to fight the line to work

The line may unexpectedly collapse a heavy bag on any of us. Suddenly it is impossible to perform both small daily duties and global strategic tasks. The reason why the lines work can be a lot. Sometimes it is simply a temporary emotional overvoltage or physical fatigue. But if the language came about apathy that continues too long, it is desirable to overcome. How does it do? How to force herself to work and how to overcome the lines so that they disappeared and no longer docked you? We try to understand.

Causes of lines
It is generally necessary to understand the factors that caused lines. If this is a total sense that refers to all aspects of life, it is possible to be a sign of health violation. In this case, a doctor must be asked. If something is specific, for example, the need to give the project to work, prepare for control work or organise the planting of potatoes in the cottage, then the exile line is subject to.
But what became her cause why the line suddenly began to dictate us what we do, more precisely what we do not do. Perhaps since the start, we do some action only because we need. But this is not our natural desire. Then, there is an internal conflict and some of our part says, "I didn't decide to do so, don't want it." We begin to rebel against social conditions, tasks fictional to everyone for us. It is a person who doesn't do anything that doesn't do what is not an important outcome.
From the line, the plane is often abundant. When a person is engaged in anything to avoid working. But in fact, the reason we delay the task for the eternal "even" may be that we don't know how to do it correctly and why we do it. The motivation falls on the bottom.

Why lines are not sentenced: we arm motivation techniques
So you need to learn to motivate yourself. Many ways are invented. The most efficient struggles of the line are considered to be the same.

Swiss cheese method
It will come to aid when the line covers if necessary to solve a large-scale task. Although this is not even a sense of lines, rather than understanding, it is to start. It is possible to take the example of a tactic to mice that tries to eat a large piece of cheese. It chaoticly wins a small piece in arbitrary places. It eventually reduces to this size that the mice swallows him completely. It is also worth acting during the solution of large tasks. It is necessary to break them into small tasks and pass them in arbitrary order until the general task is decided.
"Football" for breakfast
Another way to push itself to activity when the battle with the lines is declared and the path back is not. It means that the most unpleasant work must be performed in the morning. After that, other events during the day will be seen with greater enthusiasm and joy.
Each of us has something that we love ourselves from time to time. This can be used as an award for execution of those or other tasks. Favorite delicacies, an entertainment center derivative, a renovation in the wardrobe – many techniques. gradually, information will be postponed on the subsurface that, after the duties will be executed, something is enjoyable. The expectation of the award is strongly attached to a particular kind of activity and will be an important incentive for its performance.
Lifetime Gaming
A good way not only to fight the lines but also to increase self-esteem. The routine can be transformed into an interesting game with its quests and bonuses for their performance – indicating fantasy. To do this, the diary should be given and recorded all his achievements per day. Even if the knife rolls the lines, it is quite open to these records and reminds their author, which he is a younger and employer.
Visualization of the desired
The visualization method is to imagine the results of execution of the task. For example, there is a goal to go to leave Europe, but to work on lines. It is possible to ignite the eyes, relax, imagine itself on the streets of Amsterdam, in the Alpine Mountains, in the Greek islands, to feel the lips taste of overseas wine, to simplify the faces under the breath of salty wind, hear the noise of cypresses... Discover the eyes and see that we are halfway to the office.
What to do if the line work? Learning to Sport
The life position is closely related to human traffic activity. Physical exercises facilitate ejection in the blood of a number of stimulants. Therefore, after the morning passage or visiting the sporting room, thoughts immediately come to the order and reinforced the desire to continue activity. This is due to the metabolism specification: it accelerates in response to physical load. The sport also increases the discipline, which is useful for any sphere of life.
If you take the armament at least one of these methods, this will be a victory over yourself. If the mice begin to gradually apply them all, you will not only defeat the line – you will be able to snow any achievements.
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