The extension of the service life of batteries for cars: some practical advice
Sixty-nine million one hundred fifteen thousand one hundred fifty-nine
Car battery is one of the most important and at the same time costly parts of the vehicle. From its quality depends the success of the engine start-up and operation of all electronic devices in the car. Given these characteristics, batteries for cars, is to buy only from reliable suppliers, for example, on the website: https://makb.com.ua/. But in addition to choosing a reliable supplier, to ensure the long life of the battery will also help monitor her condition and timely Troubleshooting.
What tips will help to prolong the life of the battery for the car?
Like other automotive parts, battery has a certain lifetime, after which it loses its properties and cannot fulfill its main purpose. Natural replacement of this element requires considerable financial costs, so many drivers use a few simple tips that will help to delay the time of the acquisition of such an expensive device.
Consider a few basic tips.
Timely appeal to the service contracena batteries are divided into several types:
To maintain the battery in perfect condition it 1 time a year to visit the company's services or turn to professionals in electricity.
Support battery
This device is made in such a way that complete discharge has a negative impact on its overall functionality. Consequently, the battery loses its properties much faster, which leads to premature wastage. To avoid these consequences, you should periodically measure the voltage of a special device (a voltmeter).
Prohibited use of the discharged battery of vzimku this period, the load on the device increases significantly (heated glass, headlights), and this in turn leads to a rapid discharge. But in this situation there is a way out — before you leave your car overnight, you should disconnect all electrical appliances and leave the engine running. During this time, the alternator has time to charge the battery.
Inspection and cleaning of fasteners akumulatora procedure is very important for this device because it prevents the appearance of stains acids, and also helps to identify damage to the integrity of the body. In addition, it is important to clean the terminals and the wiring which connects them with the device.
By following these recommendations, you can extend the battery life of your car, but also to avoid unexpected costs in the event of unexpected damage to the item.
Car battery is one of the most important and at the same time costly parts of the vehicle. From its quality depends the success of the engine start-up and operation of all electronic devices in the car. Given these characteristics, batteries for cars, is to buy only from reliable suppliers, for example, on the website: https://makb.com.ua/. But in addition to choosing a reliable supplier, to ensure the long life of the battery will also help monitor her condition and timely Troubleshooting.
What tips will help to prolong the life of the battery for the car?
Like other automotive parts, battery has a certain lifetime, after which it loses its properties and cannot fulfill its main purpose. Natural replacement of this element requires considerable financial costs, so many drivers use a few simple tips that will help to delay the time of the acquisition of such an expensive device.
Consider a few basic tips.
Timely appeal to the service contracena batteries are divided into several types:
- maintained;
- малообслуговуванінеобслуговуваних.
To maintain the battery in perfect condition it 1 time a year to visit the company's services or turn to professionals in electricity.
Support battery
This device is made in such a way that complete discharge has a negative impact on its overall functionality. Consequently, the battery loses its properties much faster, which leads to premature wastage. To avoid these consequences, you should periodically measure the voltage of a special device (a voltmeter).
Prohibited use of the discharged battery of vzimku this period, the load on the device increases significantly (heated glass, headlights), and this in turn leads to a rapid discharge. But in this situation there is a way out — before you leave your car overnight, you should disconnect all electrical appliances and leave the engine running. During this time, the alternator has time to charge the battery.
Inspection and cleaning of fasteners akumulatora procedure is very important for this device because it prevents the appearance of stains acids, and also helps to identify damage to the integrity of the body. In addition, it is important to clean the terminals and the wiring which connects them with the device.
By following these recommendations, you can extend the battery life of your car, but also to avoid unexpected costs in the event of unexpected damage to the item.