Travel Rules by Paulo Coelho

1. Avoid museums. The Council may seem absurd, but let's think about that when you're in a strange city, not interested to know his real than his past?
People feel obliged to go to museums, because they instilled from childhood, this method of contact with the culture. Of course, it is important to go to museums, but but you have to know what you want to see, otherwise you will leave them with the feeling that you have seen a couple of very important things for his life, but he did not know what.
2. Walk to bars. That's where you can see the life of the city. I do not mean discos and places where there are local, drink, talk about God and the universe and are always open for conversation. Just buy yourself a newspaper, sit with her and watch for coming and going. If someone picks a conversation, enter it, even if the topic does not seem interesting. You do not uvidisch beauty of the road, if you will look at her through the open door.
3. Be open. The best guides are local. They know everything, proud of their city, but do not work for the agency. Just go out on the street, choose the person to ask questions such as: how to pass? If this is not the first udatsya, you get a second, and then I assure you naydёsch wonderful accompaniment for the whole day.
4. traveling alone or, if you are married or married with a partner. The only way to truly leave their country. If you travel a group, you just simuliruesh journey to another country, while continuing to speak their language, followingManufacture instructions guide and think more about the chatter in the group than of the place in which you came.
5. Do not compare. Nothing compared: neither prices nor purity, nor the quality of life or transport. It'S Nothing! You travel not to prove that you live better. Meet the lives of others and find something that you can learn from them.
6. Realize that you understand everything. If you do not speak the language of this country, do not be afraid: I have been in many countries where he could not communicate with words, but still found everywhere assistance received important tips and even make friends. Some are afraid to just get lost while traveling, if they are alone. Enough just to have in your pocket a small hotel and in extreme cases, take a taxi, and a business card tucked under his breath driver.
7. Do not do too much shopping. Spending money on things that you do not have to wear: tickets to the theater, going to restaurants, excursions. Nowadays the global market and the Internet you can buy anything and pay at the same advantage.
8. Do not try to travel the world for one month. Better to stay four or five days in one city than to visit five cities in a week.
The city can be compared to a capricious woman who takes time to prove yourself on all sides and let yourself seduce.
9. Journey - an adventure. Henry Miller said, better to discover a strange church, which until now has not heard, than to go to Rome and feel obliged to visit the Sistine Chapel. Go and there, but wander the alleys, feel free and find that what you yourself do not yet know what, maybe change your life.