Frozen Frog
Writes Svein Nordrum: A few days there was a low temperature, I went ice skating on a frozen lake in a suburb of Oslo, Norway. After a while I noticed something on the ice. To my surprise, it was a frozen dead frog.
Figures on a frozen Lake Baikal
The most terrible plant Planet Earth
Toned power five months later
For those who care about the state of the roads in his city
The Philadelphia Experiment
As born sensation
Elbrus 2013
The tragedy in the subway
A touching photo of father and son almost removed from Facebook!
Blog content: where to start? - Part 3
Figures on a frozen Lake Baikal
The most terrible plant Planet Earth
Toned power five months later
For those who care about the state of the roads in his city
The Philadelphia Experiment
As born sensation
Elbrus 2013
The tragedy in the subway
A touching photo of father and son almost removed from Facebook!
Blog content: where to start? - Part 3
Photo project "Invictus"
Expectation and Reality