Frog - mole
The area of its habitat is very small — only 14 sq km in the Western Ghats (India). Ancestors were representatives of a very ancient species which inhabited the supercontinent Gondwana 180 million years ago. Themselves the purple frog appeared about 134 million years ago, and that means they survived the extinction of the dinosaurs and the split of Gondwana, which occurred about 120 million years ago. Here's their story.
The body of the purple frog has a rounded shape, which seems as if it's too thick. Head, on the contrary, extremely small, with a pointed muzzle and white tip of the tiny nose. Small round eyes with horizontal pupils almost blind, but with the smell she's all right. With his help, she finds the food, pushing the narrow face in mink insects and pulling them out long grooved tongue. Tiny mouth is not underground allows the frog to swallow large creatures, so she eats termites, small worms and ants.
Purple frog seems awkward and clumsy, but she is able to dig a hole literally within 3-5 minutes.And it digs pretty deep (from 1.3 to 3.7 meters), as for the comfortable existence she needs a humid environment. And in their native underground elements fossil frog is quite active, especially in search of food.Out unfriendly in the "upper" world purple frog makes only the instinct of reproduction. It happens in the rainy season — it was then on the banks of ponds can be noticed clinging to each other couples.
Source: /users/87

The body of the purple frog has a rounded shape, which seems as if it's too thick. Head, on the contrary, extremely small, with a pointed muzzle and white tip of the tiny nose. Small round eyes with horizontal pupils almost blind, but with the smell she's all right. With his help, she finds the food, pushing the narrow face in mink insects and pulling them out long grooved tongue. Tiny mouth is not underground allows the frog to swallow large creatures, so she eats termites, small worms and ants.

Purple frog seems awkward and clumsy, but she is able to dig a hole literally within 3-5 minutes.And it digs pretty deep (from 1.3 to 3.7 meters), as for the comfortable existence she needs a humid environment. And in their native underground elements fossil frog is quite active, especially in search of food.Out unfriendly in the "upper" world purple frog makes only the instinct of reproduction. It happens in the rainy season — it was then on the banks of ponds can be noticed clinging to each other couples.

Source: /users/87
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