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10 popular questions

1. Does the person pain when he cut off his head? The answer is yes, is experiencing. As a result, medical research conducted in 1983, it was concluded that no matter how quickly carried penalty human head loss is inevitable few seconds pain. Even with the use of the guillotine, which is considered one of the most "humane" means of decapitation, it is impossible to avoid severe pain that will last at least 2-3 seconds.

2. Why is such a prickly pineapple? Barbed pineapple upside seems to contradict the very purpose of the existence of this fruit: in what way the animals can get to the sweet pulp that is inside? The fact that those pineapples that are sold in stores is actually still quite immature. Animals that live in the woods, eating pineapples after they ripen. Ripe pineapple becomes soft, it is now easy to open, and then the animals eat it. Barbed outer side is present in fruits of many plants to protect the fruit as long as they are not fully ripen.

3. What is the size of a molehill? The mole eats worms and other reptiles, which penetrate into its underground world. The size of the wormhole depends on how rich wildlife that land, which is inhabited by a mole. Of course, the hole had a mole that lives under the school meadow, will be significantly smaller than the hole, which will dig a mole, living in acidic soil. Total adult mole can dig a hole, an area of ​​over 7000 square meters, building a multi-layered network of tunnels, which can have up to 6 levels. Mole digs a hole deep with different transitions and "pantries" in which he keeps his prey.

4. If you are dressed in black trousers or a skirt, if this looks like your butt smaller? Answer: Yes, it is. The human eye is more receptive to light colors, so the outline of the body parts in dark clothes seem smaller. The problem is that it works only when you look at the person behind. When you look at it from the side, back shows their true size.

5. Why nettle stings hurt so much? Nettle touch to the skin is such a strong sense of discomfort because the plant releases a mixture of three chemicals when her delicate hairs slips are destroyed on contact with human skin. Against burn these acidic chemicals that are part of a nettle, common to use a tool such as attachment to the affected area of ​​the skin sorrel leaves, releasing alkali in friction on his skin. The effectiveness of this tool raises questions, some believe that the pain actually decreases because the cool leaf of sorrel cools the skin.

6. How many kinds of organisms living on or in the human body? Such microorganisms of about 200, 80 - in the mouth. Our body - is a factory producing microbes. Every day, our body excretes from 100 billion to 100 trillion bacteria. Each square centimeter of human bowel is up to 10 billion bacteria on every square centimeter of skin - up to 10 million. Most microbes located on the teeth, in the throat and in the digestive tract, where the concentration of microbes in a thousand times higher than the surface of the skin. In addition, the human body are parasites such as follicular mite that does not bring harm to man, feeding on dead skin cells. Other parasites can not be called harmless. For example, the amoeba Naegleria fowlery penetrates the human brain and multiplies there as long as the person does not die.

7. Why do if lubricate the cut apple with lemon juice, it will not be dark? The answer to this question lies in the cellular structure of the apple. When the knife cuts the rind, apple cell is destroyed and the air oxidizes the enzymes of the fruit. The process, when the apple becomes brown, aims to help the healing process of cells, as well as make an apple unattractive to animals that would want to eat it. A citric acid is contained in lemon, slows the process of changing color cut apple.

8. How much fat a person needs to be to be bulletproof? For this would have to be awfully bold. The most common bullet caliber 9 mm - 60 cm pierce human flesh to a complete stop. In addition, even if the bullet stuck in the fat deposits on the body, the bullet struck a blow to serious damage to internal organs, and the person could die from thrombosis.

9. What animals eat wasps? Wasps eating birds, skunks, bears, weasels, rats and mice. Wasps and bees in food upotreblinyut 133 bird species that avoid the bites of these insects, crushing them on the trunk or branches of the trees. Badgers dig wasps' nests and upotreblinyut their contents in food, despite the obvious displeasure of the inhabitants and the resistance nests. Also wasps upotreblinyut food dragonflies, frogs, moths and beetles. The larvae of some species of wasps tasty when fried in butter.

10. Why nature did not invent the wheel? Nature invented it, it was just quietly until recently. Microorganisms use circular discs for movement. The bacteria move with "wheels" - they move, attaching to the "wheel to" in the cell membrane. This wheel is rotated at high speed (up to 100 revolutions per second), and generates electricity, which charges the proteins attached to the cell membrane.