Transition to a new reality
1) You never say "I do not know" because it does not meet the present truth you. "I know" - a real belief that very quickly to confirm the facts, all the knowledge within you and manifests itself in a timely manner.
2) You no longer have self-image and perceptions about themselves, about their habits, so this was your personality and your reactions towards miru.Vy clean and empty. You just are. And always open for the manifestation of the infinite diversity itself.
3) No doubt about it. Doubt, this self-indulgence and approval of yourself in them. This is the former anchor of the world. Doubt reflects fear of possible negative consequences in the future. In the new reality, the negative consequences do not exist. Everything is going just for the good.
4) No dependence on people, on their participation in your life. Rejection of their involvement in their lives due to the uncertainty of their silah.Otsutstvie depending on obstoyatelstv.Obstoyatelstva not outside of you, they are part of you and formed you.
5) The concept of power does not exist in your life. State authority over you, man's power over you, the head of government, the whole system is based on the principle of authority. You're out of the game.
6) Consciousness is the master of his life, completely governing everything happening in his life and create our own reality.
7) Leaving and releasing all the old in you and is no longer an employee, without denial or acceptance of these parts in itself, but being aware of the intention and the withdrawal of his life.
8) Full and unconditional trust myself, everything going on in your life and comes into your life. Awareness of everything that happens to you as a great benefit and life of love towards you
9) The realization of his oneness with the world, awareness of identity and you mira.Osoznanie all forms as a part of yourself.