Apple sues Russian brands with the letter i

The Russian office of Apple is preparing a lawsuit to the owners of brands, names which have an «i». The first lawsuit already filed by the company "Panimport" from St. Petersburg. The company uses the brand iBroker. Apple demanded that the company stop using this name and to pay 50,000 rubles in compensation. For more Petersburgers followed by about 10 different companies.

In Russia, it has become a popular product called the letter «i» in the beginning: iTour, iFrukt, iCar, iBroker, iPortret and others. "EpplRus" considers this unacceptable trend, as companies steal part of the image of Apple to promote their products. In "Panimporte" has received the text of the claim, the firm's lawyers are studying the document. "Frankly, we are at a loss. We do not violate - the letter «i» not owned by Apple. And our brand was officially registered, "- told in the company. According to lawyers, the corporation Apple can claim the letter «i» only if the manufacturers and suppliers of products referred to in this way similar to Apple classes, such as smartphones.
Source: mirfactov.com/