Michal Schumacher, a month in a coma
Michal Schumacher, a month in a coma after a fall on skis while skiing in the French Alps, underwent a second surgery to remove blood clots. As British BBC BBC, doctors do not run the risk of output him out of an artificial coma. It does not allow brain swelling subsides. Schumacher removed part of the skull, and he runs the risk of not withdraw from komy
Everyone understands that after being unconscious for so long to minimize the chances that the driver will return to normal life in the same state. But, alas, is no help could. Schumacher left a will one billion dollarov
Michael Schumacher, seven-time champion of "Formula 1", 29 December last year, fell to ski and hit his head on a rock. Athlete gospitaliziovali to hospital in Grenoble, where he is to this day. At the request of the family of Michael, journalists are not allowed in the hospital, and doctors the information is fed to the rare press conferences.
Source: vesti.ua/sport/35036-posle-vtoroj-operacii-shumahera-reshili-ne-vyvodit-iz-komy