Michael Schumacher became the ambassador of Mercedes-Benz

Michael Schumacher briefly rested after completing his sports career. Champion has found a new occupation - as Ambassador Mercedes-Benz. His new position is not a sinecure for retired stars. Usually, the envoy of a brand mean person, decorating his face promoted billboards burdensome and attend social events. Schumacher, in addition to all this tinsel, will be involved in the development of new aircraft systems and everything that is connected with the technology «Intelligent Drive». Schumacher and Mercedes-Benz has long-standing friendship. Back in 1990 he joined the junior team automaker. Later, at the wheel of cars "Formula 1", designed Mercedes, the pilot has achieved many victories. Six months ago, the German rider took part in his last "Grand Prix" and announced his retirement. As an envoy Mercedes-Benz Schumacher brought before the public for the first time on May 1 event called «The Future Starts Today» («The future starts today").