Household Tricks
Sometimes even the most common household utensils can be used in an unusual way. I suggest you learn a few interesting ways to improve their lives. 1. To mask scratches and damage to the wooden furniture, rub them with shelled walnuts.
2. The water will not overflow the pot after boiling, if you put the pan on top of a long wooden spoon.
3. opener on tin jar with soda can be used to hold the tube.
4. To enhance the sound of your mobile, you can resort to a simple trick: make homemade speakers from ... the core of the roll of toilet paper, as well as two plastic cups. Here are a few options for such structures, the idea which prompted Gramophone:
Simple Master-class on making devices to amplify sound, which also act as a stand for your phone:
To work you will need:
- Cardboard core of a roll of toilet paper
- Two power button
- Knife and scissors
- Pencil
- Colored paper
- Clay
Getting Started:
Place the cell to a cardboard base to measure the size of the hole. Remember that it should be a little more base phone, that he could easily be inserted into it.
With a knife, cut a rectangular hole.
As the support mechanism uses two power buttons that slide into the bottom of the cardboard base, as shown in the photograph. You can try to stick a key in different locations to determine which position is the most stable.
Your home-made speakers are ready! Now they can be optionally pasted colored paper. For this cut a paper rectangle which corresponds in size cardboard base. Make an incision at the point where the hole should be. Attach colored paper to the ground and fold the edges of the paper inside. Glue the construction paper to the cardboard.
Stand-speakers ready! Enjoy enhanced sound.
5. If you want to check whether the charge of the battery, throw it on the floor from a height of about 15 centimeters. If it bounces off the floor only once, then charge it still is, if more than once, it means that the battery is low.
6. In order to extension cord is not disconnected from the appliance cord, tie a knot in the cord are both:
7. In order to carry on work or school sandwiches, you might want unnecessary box of CD's.
8. When working with paint, pull the elastic over the banks, while the brush is lowered into the banks, it will touch the gum, and the paint will not flow over the edge of the banks and spoil everything.
9. To rolls with paper or whatman not unfolded, they can be placed inside the cardboard core of a roll of toilet paper that can be cut lengthwise.
10. To open the blister-pack, you can use the opener for canned food.
11. A great idea to protect yourself from thieves beach: put all the valuable stuff into the empty net vial of sunscreen. However, thieves can steal and a bottle of cream, so do not leave valuables unattended on the beach at all.
12. In order not to lose the TV remote control, and other appliances, you can stick them to the Velcro to attach them to some safe place, such as on the side of the television or on the furniture.
13. In order not to look constantly at the edge of the adhesive tape, attach it to the plastic label.
14. If you have any of the very small piece of soap, which is inconvenient to wash, do not throw it, and stick to a new piece of soap.
15. To increase the luminosity of a small flashlight, attach it to a clear plastic bottle with water.
Source: p-i-f.livejournal.com

2. The water will not overflow the pot after boiling, if you put the pan on top of a long wooden spoon.

3. opener on tin jar with soda can be used to hold the tube.

4. To enhance the sound of your mobile, you can resort to a simple trick: make homemade speakers from ... the core of the roll of toilet paper, as well as two plastic cups. Here are a few options for such structures, the idea which prompted Gramophone:

Simple Master-class on making devices to amplify sound, which also act as a stand for your phone:

To work you will need:
- Cardboard core of a roll of toilet paper
- Two power button
- Knife and scissors
- Pencil
- Colored paper
- Clay

Getting Started:
Place the cell to a cardboard base to measure the size of the hole. Remember that it should be a little more base phone, that he could easily be inserted into it.

With a knife, cut a rectangular hole.

As the support mechanism uses two power buttons that slide into the bottom of the cardboard base, as shown in the photograph. You can try to stick a key in different locations to determine which position is the most stable.

Your home-made speakers are ready! Now they can be optionally pasted colored paper. For this cut a paper rectangle which corresponds in size cardboard base. Make an incision at the point where the hole should be. Attach colored paper to the ground and fold the edges of the paper inside. Glue the construction paper to the cardboard.

Stand-speakers ready! Enjoy enhanced sound.

5. If you want to check whether the charge of the battery, throw it on the floor from a height of about 15 centimeters. If it bounces off the floor only once, then charge it still is, if more than once, it means that the battery is low.

6. In order to extension cord is not disconnected from the appliance cord, tie a knot in the cord are both:

7. In order to carry on work or school sandwiches, you might want unnecessary box of CD's.

8. When working with paint, pull the elastic over the banks, while the brush is lowered into the banks, it will touch the gum, and the paint will not flow over the edge of the banks and spoil everything.

9. To rolls with paper or whatman not unfolded, they can be placed inside the cardboard core of a roll of toilet paper that can be cut lengthwise.

10. To open the blister-pack, you can use the opener for canned food.

11. A great idea to protect yourself from thieves beach: put all the valuable stuff into the empty net vial of sunscreen. However, thieves can steal and a bottle of cream, so do not leave valuables unattended on the beach at all.

12. In order not to lose the TV remote control, and other appliances, you can stick them to the Velcro to attach them to some safe place, such as on the side of the television or on the furniture.

13. In order not to look constantly at the edge of the adhesive tape, attach it to the plastic label.

14. If you have any of the very small piece of soap, which is inconvenient to wash, do not throw it, and stick to a new piece of soap.

15. To increase the luminosity of a small flashlight, attach it to a clear plastic bottle with water.

Source: p-i-f.livejournal.com