Interference? Sure, not a problem!

Today, around 9:00 in Rostov building SFU (Pedagogical University) on Bolshaya Sadovaya, 33, was evacuated due to the threat of terrorist attack. In the yard it was parked unattended car, whose owner could not be found. On the call came explosives, Ostrovsky street blocked off, all evacuated from the building. Currently checked, we found the owner, found out the details ».

Continued under the cut

Details were very amusing. As it turned out, today, 24 January, one of the tenants of the house in the morning tried to leave a car out of the yard, but was unable to do so due to a car parked at the gate.

After a fruitless search for his master rostovchanin she called the police and reported that near the house is a suspicious vehicle in the interior of which, on the seat, is suspicious box.
In place of the riot police quickly drove explosives. They tracked down the owner of the car, which seemed to come at a nearby hospital to visit relatives. Neither the car nor in the box nothing suspicious guards have not found, but asked the owner of the car to rearrange it to another place.
As for the residents of the home, then any claims against him to present impossible guards about the man explained that he was very concerned about the safety of Rostov.
I explained - and went to work.




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