A little history about the restoration of the legendary car.
A little history about the restoration of the legendary car.
How long ago, 5 years ago, the commercials I wanted the car is not like others. Everything looked like the remnants of aerodynamic and wanted to do something that would have surprised, happy and makes heads turn. Money was little. One day a friend of the motorist made a reservation that he has a friend, and he is in the garage invalidkoy not so that everyone knows, regular square, and such as starred in "Operation Y". It is called the common people affectionately morgunovka or Zhabko. After an extensive search and found a host machine. More 3 years of negotiation and persuasion to sell. Finally, the price is inexpensive foreign cars the owner sold me the car. My joy knew no bounds. The high price of the machine was due to the fact that it was 90% complete and had genuine documents and numbers.
And here it is happiness, I have it in the garage. That's how I pulled it to tie into the yard. Someone stuck behind her turns from Soviet motorcycle orange.
The front label UFO !, apparently the owner was with a sense of humor, and maybe it's his grandchildren played the fool))).
This is the first start of the motor. Pre-washed and disassembled carburetor after the machine has more than 40 years and the last 20 it stood still and would not start.
It was decided to strip all paint and paint again. The old paint was not a pity, especially since it is not native. Week stripped paint, putty week and leveled places mauled body.
Machine weight 430kg from empty. But even to raise one side, hard, and the two of us at the time.
Dye decided on their own, at the same time learned). I bought 2 cans of acrylic paint, paint gun, took a friend's compressor.
Spray booth I do not have, painted on the street. The weather was hot and the paint dries very quickly. For a long time pondering how to paint and decided to do so as the photo.
The machine start transformed.
In this photo, the bottom of the hood.
After complete assembly of the painting began. It was hard to put it back windshield. In fact, even people who do it every day, put the three of us half an hour. Ragged hand, broke two screwdrivers. It is very hard work. Everything is complicated by the fact that the sealing glass was 40 years old and has lost its former softness. Analogues it is not sold and replaced by something, had to suffer.
Then he took up the suspension. It is fully complete, but I still decided to remove, dismantle, wash, replace the grease back into place and adjust.
The owner of the car put together with her book on maintenance and repair. It's all very detailed. She helped me a lot.
And he awaited moment. The car is on the move, the engine start up with a half butting and the way a button. Imagine 40 years ago, the car factory with a button! My first independent travel outside the garage.
I was very happy the work done, but when driving the car jumped like saiga. It turned out that because of the long periods of inactivity on the wheels, tires at the point of contact with the floor of the garage and now bent wheel is not round, but oval. Thank tyrnetu and a week later came from Dnepropetrovsk New post 4 new tires. It is placed today on the drill. Their dimensions are 10 & quot; inside and 5 & quot; thickness.
So I wintered in a garage two cars).
At the moment the following summer began ... I joined the local club ... retro retro constant parade photo session ... etc ... exhibition. It happened the day passing by 200km. Believe in the power of the motor 10ls is very hard. Especially if the raising of the second transmission maximum. But fun is not as a roadster! All signals photographed. One grandfather, even at the exhibition went and wept, said his father was such, after the war, it was given as a disabled person.
The machine is really very small from the outside, a look at the photos it looks next to the Zaporozhets.
Here's who are interested in the cockpit)
Very good winter start up, the engine runs like clockwork.
Restoration of the original to me oboshlast about 1 000 euros. Then, to complete the image I found a helmet like Morgunov, painted it in heroic colors and fitted a wheel as it was in the film. In front of the hotel, and there can not be, it's a microcar, and motorcycles are not put in the front room.
The car is completely manual operation, there is no pedals. Gas and grip on the handlebars. The legs can stretch out completely, there is enough space, because the motor behind. From stop to stop at the helm at least one turn. There are 4 transmission forward and 4 back. There are back up. The tank 12 liters. Consumption of 7-9 liters per 100 km. The maximum speed of 74km \ h with slides, a straight 65km \ h. Engine IL 350 cubes.
If you are interested, it internally.
Happy New Year comrades)!
This is the first exit in the 2014.
Good luck.
How long ago, 5 years ago, the commercials I wanted the car is not like others. Everything looked like the remnants of aerodynamic and wanted to do something that would have surprised, happy and makes heads turn. Money was little. One day a friend of the motorist made a reservation that he has a friend, and he is in the garage invalidkoy not so that everyone knows, regular square, and such as starred in "Operation Y". It is called the common people affectionately morgunovka or Zhabko. After an extensive search and found a host machine. More 3 years of negotiation and persuasion to sell. Finally, the price is inexpensive foreign cars the owner sold me the car. My joy knew no bounds. The high price of the machine was due to the fact that it was 90% complete and had genuine documents and numbers.
And here it is happiness, I have it in the garage. That's how I pulled it to tie into the yard. Someone stuck behind her turns from Soviet motorcycle orange.

The front label UFO !, apparently the owner was with a sense of humor, and maybe it's his grandchildren played the fool))).

This is the first start of the motor. Pre-washed and disassembled carburetor after the machine has more than 40 years and the last 20 it stood still and would not start.

It was decided to strip all paint and paint again. The old paint was not a pity, especially since it is not native. Week stripped paint, putty week and leveled places mauled body.

Machine weight 430kg from empty. But even to raise one side, hard, and the two of us at the time.
Dye decided on their own, at the same time learned). I bought 2 cans of acrylic paint, paint gun, took a friend's compressor.

Spray booth I do not have, painted on the street. The weather was hot and the paint dries very quickly. For a long time pondering how to paint and decided to do so as the photo.

The machine start transformed.

In this photo, the bottom of the hood.

After complete assembly of the painting began. It was hard to put it back windshield. In fact, even people who do it every day, put the three of us half an hour. Ragged hand, broke two screwdrivers. It is very hard work. Everything is complicated by the fact that the sealing glass was 40 years old and has lost its former softness. Analogues it is not sold and replaced by something, had to suffer.
Then he took up the suspension. It is fully complete, but I still decided to remove, dismantle, wash, replace the grease back into place and adjust.
The owner of the car put together with her book on maintenance and repair. It's all very detailed. She helped me a lot.

And he awaited moment. The car is on the move, the engine start up with a half butting and the way a button. Imagine 40 years ago, the car factory with a button! My first independent travel outside the garage.
I was very happy the work done, but when driving the car jumped like saiga. It turned out that because of the long periods of inactivity on the wheels, tires at the point of contact with the floor of the garage and now bent wheel is not round, but oval. Thank tyrnetu and a week later came from Dnepropetrovsk New post 4 new tires. It is placed today on the drill. Their dimensions are 10 & quot; inside and 5 & quot; thickness.

So I wintered in a garage two cars).

At the moment the following summer began ... I joined the local club ... retro retro constant parade photo session ... etc ... exhibition. It happened the day passing by 200km. Believe in the power of the motor 10ls is very hard. Especially if the raising of the second transmission maximum. But fun is not as a roadster! All signals photographed. One grandfather, even at the exhibition went and wept, said his father was such, after the war, it was given as a disabled person.

The machine is really very small from the outside, a look at the photos it looks next to the Zaporozhets.

Here's who are interested in the cockpit)
Very good winter start up, the engine runs like clockwork.
Restoration of the original to me oboshlast about 1 000 euros. Then, to complete the image I found a helmet like Morgunov, painted it in heroic colors and fitted a wheel as it was in the film. In front of the hotel, and there can not be, it's a microcar, and motorcycles are not put in the front room.
The car is completely manual operation, there is no pedals. Gas and grip on the handlebars. The legs can stretch out completely, there is enough space, because the motor behind. From stop to stop at the helm at least one turn. There are 4 transmission forward and 4 back. There are back up. The tank 12 liters. Consumption of 7-9 liters per 100 km. The maximum speed of 74km \ h with slides, a straight 65km \ h. Engine IL 350 cubes.
If you are interested, it internally.
Happy New Year comrades)!
This is the first exit in the 2014.
Good luck.