List of recommended reading from Chichvarkin:

1. "Losing My Virginity" Richard Branson.
Already captures the spirit. Sometimes it seems as though he at height and feel hypoxia. Amazing book, the only thing I want to say: if you do not have this unconscious analysis, it is not necessary to repeat it, because it is unsafe in the financial plan. For start-ups - a good shot of adrenaline.
2. "War for Talent" E. Michaels, Hendfild H. Jones, E. Ekselrod.
A good book teaches evaluate and appreciate the people. For Russia, this is very important. In principle, the leaders of sufficiently large companies.
3. "strong state" Francis Fukuyama.
Unfortunately, not fully read. Open mouth, listening to him at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum last year. We strongly recommend that you read the first chapter, and, if you like, more.
4. "Matsushita Leadership" John Kotler.
Serious and sometimes tragic book. The story that the whole can only be achieved at the maximum concentration of moral and physical strength.
5. "Imagine!" Tom Peters.
The correct translation of "Perepredstavte yourself" - "Re-imagine», rather than «Imagine». «Imagine» - an album of John Lennon in 1971. Amazing book with the highest emotional charge. A powerful call for change, to unblinkered thinking. Read need as "Introduction to Psychoanalysis," Freud: 1 chapter a day for better absorption.
6. "How I created Wal-Mart» SEM Walton.
It is impossible to ask to read one chapter a day, good traders it is swallowed and for many people is a confirmation that all they have done the right thing all through this pass. For merchants, for sailors, Wal-Mart is the definition of where the north, where the south and where to swim.
7. "Motivation in the style of action. Delight is contagious! "K. Kobell.
Surprisingly, it was created in Germany that is created. World still a tendency to formalism and trade union pressure - high enough. People are well motivated and disciplined, and no dress code, especially ads for a job - just a song.
8. "Unique now ... or never.
The book is about the corporate religion "Jesper Kunde. Good branding benefits, at least you know, buying the same Danone and Kellogg's, the company wants from you. The book gives an insight into the peculiarities of marketing in the Scandinavian countries, particularly on their mindset.
9. "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" Al Ries, Jack Trout.
One of the oldest written books. The book is simple, clear, ordinary immutable truths written in understandable language. Trout -molodets.
10. "First-class service as a competitive advantage," John Shoal.
For those who are engaged in retail or service, this book is the constitution. The greatest number of innovations in service of "Euroset" taken from her. Read half of the book, I decided to invite Tschohl speak to all my managerial staff. Until I did Polonsky of Mirax. I am going to go to study ASASHAY companies that advised the company Tschohl Service First. This book can be read in "Euroset" during the working day.
Ayn Rand 11. "Atlas Shrugged».
About this book I would like to mention. This is a real Bible entrepreneurship. I think this is the most powerful product, and inherently and meaningfully written in the 20th century.
In the "Euroset" this book can also be read during the workday.