Vengeful refrigerator
Long time it was already. Broke means Comrade refrigerator. Streaks in general. Well, the food - the balcony. And he is trying to fix this device, the old fashioned way, mostly legs. And lo and behold - machinery comes from scoop again ready for operation. I worked fridge for a while. And I decided to check mate as freezer frost. A metal wall in her, and hands normal kid ... Well good, that is not the language stuck. House as luck alone can not pull the hand of OBZH remembered that warm water to pour need. Something like a foot reached out to the kettle is switched on. Water was scarce, so she quickly began to boil. than he could Kettle same leg disconnect. In short something like I pushed him, took his hand free from captivity and watered. His hand is now safely in horror films can be removed with one hand scalded the other frostbitten. A refrigerator a couple of hours again and was finally broken. Bitie he avenges his feet and left the light.