How to make a million dollars on ... problems?

Do you have a problem? "Good," this probably suffice for all abundantly. So, if you are having problems, you are a potential millionaire. says: Do not be? Of course, not necessarily think about the problems, you can learn how to earn a lot and with pleasure, but perhaps it is on solving problems you earn your first million dollars! Read the real story!
Millionaires become so ...
Walking, fell woke up - and earned his first million!
Remember the famous line from the movie "The Diamond Arm": "It was, fell woke -gips ..."? So, the hero of the story situation is very similar. A broken arm and gypsum wet while taking a shower David Reynolds made millionaire.
During repair, your bathroom David Reynolds (David Reynolds), broke his arm. Naturally, he faced a number of challenges, one of them was the fact that while taking a shower to keep dry plaster was extremely difficult. David tried to buy a special case for a hand that can protect the plaster against moisture, but did not find suitable. Trying to find a solution to the problem, he began experimenting with garbage bags, cling film, even tried to adjust the camera from the car, the problem is not solved by the means at hand - continued gypsum wet. Then, Reynolds realized, if it finds a solution to this problem, then maybe it will make him rich! Where other people only notice the inconvenience and irritation, David saw an opportunity. Special protecting against moisture cover was created!
David has issued a patent for this invention, and with his old friend Tsesarelli, created the company Mar-Von LLC, which took up the issue of new items. The first sales were hard. Sales began with a small pharmacy, which were located near the home of Reynolds. "People do not want to waste your time on me, even just to listen" - David burns. Despite the obstacles, Reynolds and Tsesarelli continued to develop new models of covers and promote your product.
Two years of hard work to succeed, they signed a contract for the spread covers a large network of pharmacies and twelve smaller pharmacies. Plastic covers found demand among buyers.
Today, Reynolds and his friend Tsesarelli sell many models of covers through wholesale distributors and through its Internet site. David, who had previously worked as a dealer, now earns about two million dollars a year. Sharing the secret of his success, he says: "I had an idea, its implementation is not occupied two days, it was a long and difficult road, but I did it. The main thing - do not give up ».
Luck or Art to see the possibilities?
"I was lucky peasant" - say the skeptics with a sigh. Yes, lucky, but what is interesting business stories similar number in the thousands! It seems that luck is characteristic of all successful entrepreneurs. Mysticism is simple: where one notice problems, others see opportunity. Experienced business people say, "earning capacity is everywhere, we just have to bend over to pick up the money literally lying under their feet." You may have noticed that almost every entrepreneur is a walking fountain of ideas. Entrepreneurs are not intelligent monsters, they just have the ability to see, read information from real-life situations. What is this, a special gift? Talent, which have only selected? Fortunately, develop their ability to see possibilities can each person. With a little practice and vision of the mind can easily see the ideas that you can make millions.
Coaching helps you find the idea in a million!
Learn to see the possibilities are quite simple, just need a little bit to redirect attention. Simple exercises will help make the vision of your mind more sensitive to the million dollar ideas, practices, and very soon, with the shell problems you can easily see the possibilities. The basic principle of marketing says: "Find a need and satisfy her," If so, fire up your generator of ideas and made his first million dollars on the problems. It's real!
Here are the exercises can make you rich:
• Make a list of a hundred issues that you care about at the moment. Include everything that annoys you, angry, annoying, shakes your nerves.
• Turn off for a while a critic, become a dreamer and a visionary.
• Write down the most "favorite" problem on hospitality sheets of paper (A3).
• On one half of the paper, write down the name of the problem, draw its image, write down everything that is related to this problem (causes, people, time, etc. all come to mind).
• In the second half of the paper articulate, and draw a perfect solution to the problem, write down the benefits, opportunities, ideas, options for how to solve the problem of who has solved a similar problem, how much can you earn (resources, people, time - write whatever comes to mind).
• Write out, analyze, generate ideas involved in this process of other people, welcome even the most crazy ideas.
• Start building your own "Bank of Ideas." May there always be with you notes, small size, like the idea of appearing in the most unexpected places, and in different time, fix any ideas that you come up with.
• Periodically review all of their records, think out, dorisovyvat image "problem-solution", collect additional information.
Creative search one of the most pleasant states that a person is able to experience, enjoy the creative agony and wonderful flashes of insight, which ultimately will be. Very soon, you will learn to see opportunities everywhere. You will be surprised that it had not previously noticed, for you it will seem strange to you, "why other people do not see it?».
Farewell Seth Godin:
"... We know that the idea - the engine of the economy. Ideas bring people wealth. And most importantly, the idea of changing the world. Therefore, it is quite obvious that benefit those who make others accept, appreciate and love their ideas. These people receive money, will gain power and change the world. "