Schoolgirl from Belarus
A few days ago in the village of Vitebsk region Sharkovshchina announced the results of the contest among children for collection of secondary raw materials. The contest was held the Department of Education, Sport and Tourism Department, together with regional consumer union from October 10 to December 10. Little treteklassnitse had to win and collect peretaskat ton of metal. Paper most passed the grade 7 student Velikoselsky DC-school Vladislav Mackiewicz (360 kg), 66 kg of PET bottles surrendered disciple Sharkovshchina school №2 Artem Grinevich. A ton of scrap passed treteklassnitsa Sharkovshchina school №1 Sophia Skurat, reported local newspaper "Klіch Radzіmy».
We can not but amaze kids of Sharkovshchina diligence. For example, a little girl from the third class win came two months peretaskat a ton of metal. Artem did, maybe not so physically demanding, but also very hard work - the weight of 1, 5-liter PET bottles, depending on the manufacturer, is from 33 to '42 Thus, schoolchildren from Sharkovshchina had to collect from 1572 to 2000 bottles to collect 66 kg.
As prizes all the winners received an 8-gigabyte flash drive.
Source: news.vitebsk.cc
We can not but amaze kids of Sharkovshchina diligence. For example, a little girl from the third class win came two months peretaskat a ton of metal. Artem did, maybe not so physically demanding, but also very hard work - the weight of 1, 5-liter PET bottles, depending on the manufacturer, is from 33 to '42 Thus, schoolchildren from Sharkovshchina had to collect from 1572 to 2000 bottles to collect 66 kg.
As prizes all the winners received an 8-gigabyte flash drive.

Source: news.vitebsk.cc