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Нигерийская мафия

Недавно разместил объявления о продаже щенков на российские, латвийские и эстонские рекламные сайты. Нашелся покупатель. Некая Дженна Смитт очень хочет купить к рождеству своей дочери в Англию 2-х щеночков.
Казалось круто! Но не тут то было…

Для начала предистория. Продаю щенков, объявление кинул на эстонский рекламный сайт, помимо Латвийских и Российских. Некая госпожа Дженна Смитт откликнулась с просьбой купить щенков. Ниже вся наша переписка за несколько дней. Самые интересные моменты после нее.

2013/12/3 Mrs Jenna smith <mrsjenna.smith@gmail.com>

is the puppies still available for sale...?

Yes, 1 is in reservation 5 available
2013/12/3 Mrs Jenna smith <mrsjenna.smith@gmail.com>
Thanks for your mail, and I am very happy for your prompt reply. I am
Jenna Smith and I am currently on sea traveling for a charity program
and i am highly interested in buying this puppies for my Daughter has
a Christmas gift who is in United Kingdom, and i will like to know the
price of the puppies? also i will like to know how many puppies do you
have for sale? and i will like know if the vaccine is up to date and
does the puppies comes with papers?is the puppies AKC

I wait for your reply,
Best Regards.

Thanks for interested in our puppies. The price is 350 LVL it's about 500 EUR. Now we have 3 puppies — girls. The vaccine will be on next week, also all documents, such as EURO passport, purchase and sale agreement, pedigree document, will be on next week too. No, there aren't AKC. Our puppies are LKA (Latvian Association of Cynologist)


03 дек. 2013 г. 22:53 пользователь «Mrs Jenna smith» <mrsjenna.smith@gmail.com> написал:

Thanks for your mail,well i am glad to receive your prompt reply,well
their is no problem with the price of the Dogs,also send me the
picture of the dogs is the dog raised indoor or outdoor? Also with
regard to the shipping, I have a shipping agent that will come and
pick up the Dogs from you to my daughter, let me know if this
arrangement is okay with you.


It,s great that you have shipping agent, it will be easier to ship new little friend to your daughter. Dogs are raised indoors. Unfortunately i can send you photos only in evening, because now I,m on the work. So it will be first in my list to do when i come back home.
Best Regards,

2013/12/4 Mrs Jenna smith <mrsjenna.smith@gmail.com>

Thanks for the mail..i will be waiting for the picture of the
puppies asap…


Sorry for waiting. Here are the photos of puppies (See in attachmnets)

2013/12/4 Mrs Jenna smith <mrsjenna.smith@gmail.com>
I Have checked the pictures of the babies and i really love them,its
just too cute and gorgeous and i cannot wait to buy them from you, and
i promise you that my daughter is going to take good care of them,
also my cousin (Andrea) is a vet doctor and will always help her in
taking good care of the dog.

How i wish to have come in person for this transaction, but i want you
to know that i am buying this dog based on faith and trust and i hope
i will not get disappointed.

I have contacted the shipping company and they told me that their is
no problem doing the pick up from Latvia to UK, and they guarantee me
safe delivery of the Dog. I will need your full house address as well
as your contact phone number so that i can give it to the shipping

With regards to payment, i will be paying you through PayPal transfer,
Do you have PayPal account?

I will write you soon

I am very pleased that puppy are so lucky and he will live with good people.
Please don't worry, you will not be disappointed.
But there is some problem with PayPal in Latvia. We can't receive money from anybody, with our PayPal accounts we can only spend money. Only England and U.S.A accounts can send and receive money.
Maybe you can transfer money over Western Union, or somehow transfer to my local Bank Account?
My phone: ?????????
Address: Latvia, ????, ?????
Please reply what payment option convenient for you and I will provide more information.
Best Regards,

2013/12/4 Mrs Jenna smith <mrsjenna.smith@gmail.com>
Ok...get back to me with your bank details like this below

Bank Name
Account Name
Account Number
Swift Code
Total Cost
Mobile Number

kindly get back to me now so that i can proceed with the payment as
soon as possible…

Here is information about my bank account:

Bank Name: ????
Beneficiary Identity No./Document No./ Registration No.: ?????
Account Number: ????
Swift Code: ????
Total Cost — 500.00 EUR
Mobile Number: ??????

Hope this is what you need.

04 дек. 2013 г. 22:55 пользователь «Mrs Jenna smith» <mrsjenna.smith@gmail.com> написал:

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and make sure you end the
puppies listing immediately.I will be sending the payment shortly and
i will email you when am done with it.More so you will be notify by my
bank in your email address after i make the payment,so just make sure
you check your email to confirm payment when it is completed.also i am
interested in buying two puppies,

Best Regards


Ok. So which two puppies did you choose? Also, that there were no misunderstandings 500.00 EUR is for one puppy.
Waiting for your e-mail.

2013/12/5 Mrs Jenna smith <mrsjenna.smith@gmail.com>

i will like you to choose for me,one male and a female…

Best Regards


I'm sorry, as I was writing before, we have only 3 females. Boys was reserved about week ago.

2013/12/5 Mrs Jenna smith <mrsjenna.smith@gmail.com>

Am happy to inform you that am done with the payment. I just completed
the payment through bank and am sure by now you should have
received the payment confirmation from my bank. A total of 1500 euro
was sent, 1000 euro for the Puppies and the extra 400 euro for my
shipper's charges,which you will be sending to the address below via western
union,and also i made 100 euro to your account for the charges…

Name: Peter Smith
Address: 2,Bembo Street,Sango,
City: Ibadan
State: Oyo
Postal Code: 23402
Country: Nigeria

My shipper would be coming around to your area to have the puppies
picked up once you have sent the shipping charges fee to them,as i
need you to let me know what time you want them to come and where
(your address & phone # you can be reached on).

I will be waiting to hear from you once the money has been sent to my
shipper.Thanks for the business. Nice doing business with you…


As soon as the money will come to my account, I'll let you know.
I am very glad to cooperate with you. Thank you a lot for nice doing business.
Best Regards,

Mrs Jenna Smith,
I have misunderstandings of why i need to send money for your shipper agent in Nigeria. Why you can't made it by yourself.
I've been checked your shipper agent and found some information about him on worldlexicon.blogspot.com/2010/08/warning-nigerian-mafia-members-haqib.html
Please assure me that your transaction is not a scam.
Waiting for your answer ASAP!

Am sorry i should have inform you about this before making the
payment,,i don't have access to western union at the moment due to my
nature of work.Am a marine engineer busy sailing,am in a ship right
now at Toronto.That is the reason why i add the money to your payment
so you can help me to pay the shipping agent when the payment is
complete into your account.

Bank is holding the payment just to secure both party as they have
already deducted the money from my account which is on the way to your
account history.You just have to send the money the shipping agent
through western union and email the western union receipt to bank
Customer care email in order to receive the whole money into your

Best Regards

I would have send the money to the shipping agent myself but the
payment they accept only is western union,due to nature of my work
there is no way for me to go and send the money to the shipping agent,
that is the reason why i add 500 euro to your 1000 euro so that my
bank can transfer you 1,500 euro and you will help me to pay the
shipping agent their fee 400 euro, I am so sorry for the
inconveniences,Also the shipping agent is from Uk but he went to
Africa for transaction,and i was ask that the money should be paid to
him in Nigeria and he will come directly to your address to pickup the
puppies,i want you to trust me,i am a human being like you,trust me.
you have to send the money to the shipping agent first,and this
measure is taking because of the high rate of internet Scam in
nowadays and to protect our interest(both the buyer and seller) from
any fraudulent activities.so i huge you to go now and get the 400 euro
send to the shipping agent and get back to my bank with the western
union details,for verification,once is been verify by my bank,your
account will be credited immediately without
any delay…


Alright, I understand, i will be taking two female,so go and get the
400 Eur send to the shipping agent address so that the puppies can be

Best Regards

I will send money for shipping only after I get money from you.
I have no extra money for sending.

2013/12/5 Mrs Jenna smith <mrsjenna.smith@gmail.com>
I hope you understand the fact that this policy that was chosen by
my bank is a security measure that is meant to protect the both of us
as they explained, I'm not able to retract the payment, the funds has
been deducted from my account already and they're just awaiting the
requested details prior to approving of the funds so as to make it
appear in your account. I really need you to do this and help conclude
the transaction, I feel so sad that you don`t understand me as I'm
reading this email.

Best Regards

So, I think that is a last mail from me. I ask you to finish this fraud.
My Bank consultants not allow me to send any money over Western Union.

Суть дела в чем, данная особа в конце концов придумала, что хочет 2-х щенков. Каждый стоит 500.00 евро. В письме пишет, что она на мой счет послала 1500.00 евро. У меня собственно возник вопрос почему такая большая сумма, на что она отвечает, что 1000 евро за щенков, 400 евро я должен послать ее агенту по перевозке через Western Union (который находится в Нигерии) и 100 евро как бонус лично мне.
Ок, когда я начал допытываться собственно почему я должен разбираться с ее Агентом по перевозкам, и почему он собственно в Нигерии, нет ли где поближе? Оказалось, что наша Дженночка путешествует по морю с благотворительной акцией и у нее нет возможности сойти на берег и послать деньги агенту. Кстати щеночков она хочет в подарок своей дочурке в Англию на рождество.
Да не вопрос (странно конечно, чувак полетит из Нигерии в солнечную Латвию за щенками, а потом еще и в Англию?). Да, высылайте деньги и я отправлю ему 400 евро.
И тут началось…
Ее банк уже снял с ее счета 1500 евро и начал транзакцию, но удерживает ее до тех пор, пока я не пойду и не отправлю из своих кровных в Нигерию 400 евро через Western Union, после этого я должен прислать ей подтверждение что деньги ушли, и только после этого ее Банк продолжит транзакцию и все деньги придут ко мне.
Причем тут ее БАНК и WESTERN UNION? Причем тут Нигерия?
Забил в google имя агента по перевозке. Первая ссылка и на тебе большими буквами написано «Остерегайтесь Нигерийской Мафии», собственно вот и ссылочка на черный список: worldlexicon.blogspot.com/2010/08/warning-nigerian-mafia-members-haqib.html
Там в комментах один парень связывался с Дженночкой, на тот момент она покупала видео камеру своему сыну на день рождение. Стоп сын живет в Нигерии и его зовут Питер Смитт, но так же звали и ее агента по перевозкам, приглидевшись поближе тут Питер живет уже в другом Нигерийском городе. ВОТ ЭТО ПОВОРОТ!!!
Во всех письмах Дженна давит на жалость, и хочется поверить этому человеку!!! НО НЕ НАДО ДОВЕРЯТЬ ЭТИМ УПЫРЯМ!!!
Поэтому я деликатно попросил больше мне не писать.

Источник: fishki net