Martin Freeman
Martin Freeman is not yet listed in the actors class, but no one will argue that the 42-year-old British actor after filming the TV series "Sherlock" and the blockbuster "The Hobbit" has got a huge army of fans. As Watson and Bilbo turned the modest former office manager in the world star, but also turned into some trouble for the actor. In a recent interview with Freeman complained that the attention of fans, especially females, prevents his relationship with his long-term love, actress Amanda Ebbington. The actor said that since he began acting in "Sherlock," it began throwing tweets unambiguous sentences and even candid photos of female fans. Since Martin was not particularly fond of spread about his personal life, he had to declassify relationship with Ebbington only when the obsession with fans acquired frightening proportions. Freeman through the press appealed to all the girls who are interested in his persona as a potential suitor:
I would like to ask you to respond positively to Amanda, because I love her very much. She's a wonderful girl, but, like any woman, she was very jealous and nervous when he sees all these tweets. It is necessary to distinguish between the love for the character and love for his executor, I do not like too obsessive fans - said, as cut Freeman

I would like to ask you to respond positively to Amanda, because I love her very much. She's a wonderful girl, but, like any woman, she was very jealous and nervous when he sees all these tweets. It is necessary to distinguish between the love for the character and love for his executor, I do not like too obsessive fans - said, as cut Freeman