Dolphins in Florida
Wednesday, December 4, ten pilot whales died kalderonskih dolphins, stranded in the Everglades National Park, Florida, USA. The experts still find it difficult to name the reason for such behavior of mammals, according to Discovery News.
46 animals were spotted off the coast at a depth of about 10 meters, where a group of volunteers led them round the clock surveillance. This species is very rare dolphins coming to the shore, as dwells mainly on large glubine.
Grinda usually swim in large groups, because they are very cohesive view of marine mammals. This incident became one of the most common mass suicides of this kind delfinov.
The phenomenon of such behavior as dolphins and whales is still a mystery to scientists. Some believe that the culprit is the naval acoustic tests, while others stick to the theory of an attack on animal parasites, or viruses that bring down their innate navigational sistemy.
Experts also believe that in contact with one of the affected animal stranded, his cries for help can lead to what is hurrying to his aid counterparts, are also in trouble and pogibayut.
Sometimes rescuers still manages to save the life of some animals, helping them to return to the open more.
Source: www.pravda.ru/photo/album/23080/7/