Soviet settlement

former Soviet miners' village of the pyramid are in Norway, on the island of Spitsbergen in the Arctic Ocean in 1300 kilometers from the North Pole. The village was abandoned in 1998 godu.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the place is considered the Soviet paradise with a kindergarten, schools, sports halls, the house of culture and a warm swimming pool, built of Karelian birch. At that time, there lived more than a thousand people and was considered a big hit here udachey.

With a large land in the village of aircraft delivered everything you need, even resistant to cold grass that grows here still den.Poslednyaya ton of coal was raised to the surface of March 31, 1998 goda.

Now, due to the interest of tourists to this place some buildings have been restored. However, with the advent of the people in the village began to look and polar bears who are trying to find something edible in the garbage bakah.

Source: mirfactov.com/