Taiga Union?

Yesterday there was a rumor that Yanukovych during his meeting with Putin signed an agreement on Ukraine's accession to the Customs Union (or soon going to sign). The rumor is unconfirmed, and the presidential press service of this repudiate. But if God forbid it's true, the picture is very bad.
Baseline: Yanukovych squeezed into a corner. The country's political and economic crisis, the budget is a huge hole, and no one gives money. After demarche in Vilnius neither Europe nor the IMF money Yanukovych will not give. China refused to sign any agreement with the President, under which the chair wobbles. Putin remains and the Customs Union, but that's just ... When you in the center of the capital costs maidan on hundreds of thousands of people, with at the moment is well organized and even signs of decay gives no, at such a moment to tease maidan even golden eagles, though the signing of an agreement with TC - it's suicide. There is only one option - if coupled with financial assistance from the Russian Yanukovych and receive military assistance.
This option is terrible. If disperse the Maidan force and a lot of blood, instead of a local protest in the city center, we obtain a civil war in Ukraine, uncontrolled federalization and disintegration of the state. Could Putin to finance such a scenario? Easily, divide and conquer - Kremlin favorite method (see. Transnistria, Abkhazia). Could Yanukovych receive money under this scenario? Could. Because all the other scenarios lead to his defeat and, at best, the fate of Tymoshenko. And so there is an option to stay on the ruins of a prince in Ukraine, even vassal.
I personally do not believe in this scenario. Because greed, greed, and self-preservation instinct is still more important. Yanukovych it is therefore necessary to hope for the best.
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