The dog named Klondike was the first puppy born from a frozen embryo. 02/12/2013
This event, according to scientists, can be considered good news for those species that are threatened with extinction.
Klondike - a cross between a beagle and a labrador retriever. None of these species are not threatened by extinction, but the birth of an amazing puppy gives hope for the preservation of endangered wild canids. For example, the same red wolves in the Red Book of Russia and breed well in captivity.
Now the Klondike, which is now the scientists are ready to show no fear, for nine months. His mother beagle was impregnated with artificial insemination. The resulting embryos were collected and frozen for a surrogate mother and puppy Beagle, which was prepared to receive the embryo.
Spiking a frozen embryo is one of many reproductive technologies that can be used to save species endangered. Researchers at Cornell's Baker Institute for Animal Health and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology studied the freezing process materials - cryopreservation of fertilized eggs, providing them with a tool to restore endangered species. Because the dog is able to postpone pregnancy only once or twice a year, the researchers is very important to coordinate the timing of freezing embryos for later replanting them in the body of surrogate females.
"Reproduction in dogs is strikingly different from other mammals," - said Alex Travis Baker, a teacher and director of the Cornell campus Center for Wildlife Conservation. "We are working to understand these differences in order to be able to solve many issues, ranging from the development of contraceptives to preserve the genetic diversity of endangered species through artificial insemination."
The study, partly funded by the National Institute of Cornell's Baker and the Smithsonian Institution, and partly fund a new joint program to train a generation of scholars who will deal with real world problems of nature protection.
Source: piitbull.livejournal.com/1270538.html

Klondike - a cross between a beagle and a labrador retriever. None of these species are not threatened by extinction, but the birth of an amazing puppy gives hope for the preservation of endangered wild canids. For example, the same red wolves in the Red Book of Russia and breed well in captivity.
Now the Klondike, which is now the scientists are ready to show no fear, for nine months. His mother beagle was impregnated with artificial insemination. The resulting embryos were collected and frozen for a surrogate mother and puppy Beagle, which was prepared to receive the embryo.

Spiking a frozen embryo is one of many reproductive technologies that can be used to save species endangered. Researchers at Cornell's Baker Institute for Animal Health and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology studied the freezing process materials - cryopreservation of fertilized eggs, providing them with a tool to restore endangered species. Because the dog is able to postpone pregnancy only once or twice a year, the researchers is very important to coordinate the timing of freezing embryos for later replanting them in the body of surrogate females.
"Reproduction in dogs is strikingly different from other mammals," - said Alex Travis Baker, a teacher and director of the Cornell campus Center for Wildlife Conservation. "We are working to understand these differences in order to be able to solve many issues, ranging from the development of contraceptives to preserve the genetic diversity of endangered species through artificial insemination."
The study, partly funded by the National Institute of Cornell's Baker and the Smithsonian Institution, and partly fund a new joint program to train a generation of scholars who will deal with real world problems of nature protection.
Source: piitbull.livejournal.com/1270538.html