Honest CHANGE. Food for waste
Designer from Vienna (Austria) Faith Viderman opened her own restaurant called Biomat, where you can come with food waste and get them fresh food.
"My goal was to get people's attention to the values, which are food waste, - says Vera - I want them to realize that the nutritional value of discarded products also means their energy value".
We have scales, which convert the weight of food waste in the approximate energy value. This energy value may then be converted to the nutritional value, which can be obtained in the form of food and drink in the restaurant.
The restaurant opened a prestigious district of Vienna during Design Week, held in this city. The restaurant just 50 seats. Each kilogram of food waste is estimated to be one euro, which can be spent on food.
Waste weighed in a special place outside the restaurant, then they are placed in a round punch, which is then sent in an urban garden, where there is a small plant for the production of biogas. Thus obtained from waste methane, which can then be used as fuel for cooking.
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