10 Lessons from Leonardo da Vinci:

1. Do not be someone one.
You can allow yourself to find myself all my life and try everything new and new roles. After all, if after Leonardo offered his ideas and he was refused, he fell into a depression, perhaps we would never have known the artist's genius.
2. Any obstacle - it is not a dead end, it is the opportunity to try his hand at something else. That Leonardo was engaged, in fact, all my life. He argued that any obstacle overcome perseverance.
3. It is important to go its own way, not looking at others, not thinking that they think. Leonardo's father was a notary and ran a long time to attach it to the family profession. Leonardo said that everything in nature is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone must do their work, and this wisdom - the ultimate justice of life.
4. If any case "does not go", and procrastination comes into its possession, it is a good excuse to do something else. Over the years, the interests of the da Vinci bowed from art to science. Instead of hard to draw orders and enriched, he studied and analyzed the carcasses of horses and people built aircraft, studied the power of plants and their response to poisons and more.
5. Slowly - not always bad. Yes, today we live in an era of high intensity of life, we want everything at once, for this "all at once" comes the desire of the new "all at once", we do not have time to enjoy the moment achieved. When are we to something longed go long, the effect is unexpected and surprising. The famous portrait of the author painted the Mona Lisa for 4 years, he had "not been able to finish it for the customer", so the portrait was Leonardo, and now we can observe it in the Louvre. He made it in time and on time, we are about it, perhaps never be known.
6. Curiosity - one of the best motivations. Only the desire to learn something new, insatiable curiosity helped scientists to make a number of discoveries.
7. Do not ask and do. As a genius in various fields, Leonardo would exalt his genius and skill to use it. But he preferred to follow the proverb "to each his own, everyone - deserved».
8. Do not always result is important right now. Many inventions, offers facilities were created or built centuries after the death of Leonardo da Vinci, such as in England and Norway have bridges built on his project.
9. Never stop cultivating. Even iron rusts if he does not find the application and stagnant water rots. So the mind of man wasting away, not finding a use.
10. The path to perfection - vegetarianism. It turns out Da Vinci was a vegetarian. He predicted that the time will come when people will look at the killer animal in the same way as they look now human killer.