Pierre Dal Corso
We all know that fashion photography insidious thing. I mean, if the work of the photographer is no "flavor" or a special "unique style", they are likely to be called "normal". Fortunately for us, the fashion photographer Pierre Dal Corso is able to play and experiment with your creations, which distinguishes it from 'ordinary' photographers.
The vast majority of works Dal Corso - a photograph in the nude. Photographer takes mostly women, but contrary to popular belief about the vulgarity of nude photos, Pierre manages to convey the beauty of the female body without a hint of vulgarity or rudeness. If the work of the same Terry Richardson impregnated with naturalism and vulgarity (which he does not hide), and David LaChapelle turns the naked body as a joke or mockery, the work can be called Dal Corso benchmark sensual erotic photography.
Frenchman Dal Corso has a unique talent - paint in his works come alive as if they convey feelings, emotions, and become an indispensable tool for the implementation of the conceived ideas.
Even the black in the vision of the photographer looks bright and attractive!
One of my favorite of his works - photos from the series «Burning haute». With games of color, light and tissue photographer tried to "ignite" their model ... and he got it. It looks fascinating!
In his works, Pierre rarely uses fantasy intricate decorations - usually a simple studio-colored wallpaper, or at worst, gray rocky landscape.
That's one of the few photo shoots, where an important role, along with the colors and the female body, play sets. Is not it a model reminiscent of a Bond girl in a futuristic version?
Although Dal Corso known as "the genius of color performance," his work in black and white does not concede colorful. In this case, the main role is given to the play of light and shadows that make the female body volume, if it can be touched.
A few examples of this fashion shoot in the form in which we used to see them in glossy magazines - at the forefront apparel and accessories, the image as a whole, although the face and body of the model does not remain in the shadows.
One of the few photos where the models appear as men. In my view, but a woman is much more interesting to watch.
In general, the work of this photographer is very difficult to describe in words - you can not only see how many feel. Creation Dal Corso perceived by different people in different ways, causing different emotions and associations. Therefore I propose to feel and make your own opinion about Pierre Dal Corso photoworks.

The vast majority of works Dal Corso - a photograph in the nude. Photographer takes mostly women, but contrary to popular belief about the vulgarity of nude photos, Pierre manages to convey the beauty of the female body without a hint of vulgarity or rudeness. If the work of the same Terry Richardson impregnated with naturalism and vulgarity (which he does not hide), and David LaChapelle turns the naked body as a joke or mockery, the work can be called Dal Corso benchmark sensual erotic photography.

Frenchman Dal Corso has a unique talent - paint in his works come alive as if they convey feelings, emotions, and become an indispensable tool for the implementation of the conceived ideas.

Even the black in the vision of the photographer looks bright and attractive!

One of my favorite of his works - photos from the series «Burning haute». With games of color, light and tissue photographer tried to "ignite" their model ... and he got it. It looks fascinating!

In his works, Pierre rarely uses fantasy intricate decorations - usually a simple studio-colored wallpaper, or at worst, gray rocky landscape.

That's one of the few photo shoots, where an important role, along with the colors and the female body, play sets. Is not it a model reminiscent of a Bond girl in a futuristic version?

Although Dal Corso known as "the genius of color performance," his work in black and white does not concede colorful. In this case, the main role is given to the play of light and shadows that make the female body volume, if it can be touched.

A few examples of this fashion shoot in the form in which we used to see them in glossy magazines - at the forefront apparel and accessories, the image as a whole, although the face and body of the model does not remain in the shadows.

One of the few photos where the models appear as men. In my view, but a woman is much more interesting to watch.

In general, the work of this photographer is very difficult to describe in words - you can not only see how many feel. Creation Dal Corso perceived by different people in different ways, causing different emotions and associations. Therefore I propose to feel and make your own opinion about Pierre Dal Corso photoworks.