Doll Face
Now modeling in favor girls c highlight feature - shcherbinki, bulging eyes, "fish" lips already at anybody do not cause complexes and become the hallmark of the model. But the modeling world need not only unusual girl, and classical beauty, originality otherwise quickly become a standard (that are sometimes I give phrases). In the fashion world there are unspoken notion of "club model with doll faces" (read about it in the English Wikipedia). It combines models with similar features: they all have a tidy cheeks, big blue or gray eyes, open mouth with full lips - typical doll. The club includes Jessica Stam, Gemma Ward, Sasha Pivovarova, Vlada Roslyakova, Lily Cole, Caroline Trentini, Lisa Kant, Heather Marks and Devon Aoki (although it is not a blue-eyed and puhlogubaya, but still similar to the Asian Barbie). I picked krupnoplanovye photos of beauties, so you can be sure, "a puppet club" lives up to its name. The facial features of girls are so similar that the Trentini Caroline could easily be replaced in a photo shoot Jessica Stam, Heather Marks can be easily confused with Vlada Roslyakova, as well as Lisa Kant. Or maybe my eyes because "zamylen»?
Jessica Stam
Vlad Roslyakova
Devon Aoki (well, it can not be confused with the other, but, as has been said, it is in the club pupae)
Gemma Ward
Caroline Trentini
Lisa Kant
Lily Cole
Sasha Pivovarova
Heather Marks
Do you also think that they are strikingly similar to each other, or is it my "bugs")?
Jessica Stam

Vlad Roslyakova

Devon Aoki (well, it can not be confused with the other, but, as has been said, it is in the club pupae)

Gemma Ward

Caroline Trentini

Lisa Kant
Lily Cole

Sasha Pivovarova

Heather Marks

Do you also think that they are strikingly similar to each other, or is it my "bugs")?