King said ...
Michael Jackson was not only a brilliant singer, but also a wonderful person. A fragile creature with a mind and strong nature inside. King of Pop like and discuss until now, and I think that will do it for a long time, many years, because such people are out of this world do not go away so easily. About him talk and talk and talk, but what he said himself, during his lifetime, which was incredibly heavy? What were his views on the world? In its glory? And boundless love of the public?
I had a great time in my childhood when I lived with my brothers, we had a lot of fun, but I always felt alone.
I like the story of the Elephant Man, it is a lot like mine. When I think about it, I often cry because I see myself in this story. But no, I never wanted to buy his skeleton, this is another stupid invention.
I am a black American. I am proud of my race. I am proud of who I am.
If all the people in Hollywood who have done plastic surgery, leave the city, that there was no one left.
I am never satisfied until the end of anything. I'm a perfectionist, it's part of me. And I'm certainly not proud of myself, I try not to look at myself in the mirror.
I'm trying to imitate and follow Jesus, because he commanded to love their children, to be as pure and innocent as children, to see the world through children's eyes and see the magic in everything that surrounds us.
I'm still fascinated by clouds and the sunset view. I always make a wish, when I see a rainbow or a shooting star. I saw a meteor rain. The world is full of miracles.
I never use profanity in his songs. I think it is necessary to respect the older generation. If I do a song, and the hall will be a grown woman, I'll feel guilty.
Feel the support of fans is so nice. I never took their love as a matter of course. I do not Gordeliy not consider myself better than, say, a neighbor of the ranch. To be loved a wonderful feeling. All for the sake of my work.
I'm a slave rhythm. I like the palette. I dance the way I feel at that moment. If you start to think, all you - a corpse. Act - it's not about intelligence, it's about feelings.
At home I have built a fortress from the balloons. There are guns that shoot water and a slingshot that shoots balls. There are bridges and nooks where you can hide. I love this castle. Once a year I dress up a clown all the rules - with painted face and a red nose. And I give to all the children candy, cookies and ice cream.
I've never molest children. I could never harm a child. It's not in my heart, I'm not.
I have not claimed to be the King of Pop. It Elizabeth Taylor so I introduced seem to be on the presentation of American Music Awards. She said: "I believe he is the king of pop, rock and soul." And the press has picked up this phrase.
I am confident in my abilities and utterly unmoved. If I was up to something, no one can stop me.
Love - a funny thing to describe. It is so easy to feel, but it slips away when you talk about it. As a piece of soap in the bathtub - it's in your hand until sozhmesh it too hard.
Some people spend their lives looking for love outside themselves. They think they have to catch and hold it. But love slips away like a wet bar of soap.
Hold the love is not so wrong, but you must learn to hold it lightly, affectionately. Let it fly when it wants. If it is free, love makes life alive, joyful, and new. This is the essence and the energy that motivates my music, my dancing, everything. As long as love is in my heart, it's everywhere.
Faith begins with an understanding of what to be afraid of - okay. Feel fear - is not a problem, because everyone feels anxiety and uncertainty sometimes. The problem - not being honest enough to admit to fear. When I am aware of my doubts and insecurities, I'm more open to other people. The deeper I go into myself, the more I become, because I realize that I'm very much greater than any fear.
My understanding of magic - this is not the magic tricks and illusions on the stage. The whole world abounds in magic. When a whale emerges from the sea like a newborn mountain, you gasp of unspeakable delight. What a miracle! But the kid, barely learned to walk, who sees his first tadpole that flashes in a puddle of mud, feels the same. Wonder fills his heart, because he saw the eternal game of life ... What a pleasure should feel nature when it creates stars out of swirling gas and empty space. She scatters them like tinsel with a velvet cloak, billions of reasons for us to awaken in pure joy. When we open our hearts and give thanks for all that she has given us, Nature finds her reward. The sound of applause rolls across the universe, and the nature of bows ...
In the end, the most important thing - to be honest with themselves and their loved ones and work hard. That which is now, not tomorrow. Be of good cheer. Fight. Improve and cultivates his talent. Be the best at what you're doing. Learn about their activity more than anyone else alive. Use the tools to feed themselves - be it a book or a floor to dance or water to swim. Wherever it was - it's yours. That's what I always try to remember.
Do not make conclusions without talking with someone face to face, because only then can we understand the essence of this man!
I was accused that I'm obsessed with secrecy, and it's true. If you know, forever staring at you. Watching you. This is understandable, but it is not always pleasant. You may ask, why do I often appear wearing dark glasses, and I say - just because I hate all the time to see how staring at me. This is a trick that allows a little escape from the curiosity. When I pulled out a wisdom tooth, the dentist put a bandage on me, that I on my way home not swallowed germs. I like this band. It was great - much better than sunglasses - and I have some time for fun go to her. I belong to myself so little in my life that I want to hide at least part of themselves, a little rest from the people. This may seem strange, I know, but I love the solitude.
My gait is no moon, just the moon - my!
Do not offend people. I never ask. Do not live for others. All of this in our home was considered a sin.
I began to realize that even my father's harshness was a kind of love, of course, love the imperfect, but still love. He pushed me because he loved me. Because he wanted no one looked at his offspring from the top down. And over time, rather than bitterness, I feel blessing. Instead of anger, I found an excuse. And instead of revenge I have found reconciliation.
I love animals for their natural purity and sincerity. They do not judge you, do not talk, they just want to be your friends, or at least do not hide their intentions.
When I started to speak, I was little, cute and beautiful. Now I'm a big, lovely and beautiful.

I had a great time in my childhood when I lived with my brothers, we had a lot of fun, but I always felt alone.
I like the story of the Elephant Man, it is a lot like mine. When I think about it, I often cry because I see myself in this story. But no, I never wanted to buy his skeleton, this is another stupid invention.

I am a black American. I am proud of my race. I am proud of who I am.
If all the people in Hollywood who have done plastic surgery, leave the city, that there was no one left.
I am never satisfied until the end of anything. I'm a perfectionist, it's part of me. And I'm certainly not proud of myself, I try not to look at myself in the mirror.

I'm trying to imitate and follow Jesus, because he commanded to love their children, to be as pure and innocent as children, to see the world through children's eyes and see the magic in everything that surrounds us.

I'm still fascinated by clouds and the sunset view. I always make a wish, when I see a rainbow or a shooting star. I saw a meteor rain. The world is full of miracles.

I never use profanity in his songs. I think it is necessary to respect the older generation. If I do a song, and the hall will be a grown woman, I'll feel guilty.

Feel the support of fans is so nice. I never took their love as a matter of course. I do not Gordeliy not consider myself better than, say, a neighbor of the ranch. To be loved a wonderful feeling. All for the sake of my work.
I'm a slave rhythm. I like the palette. I dance the way I feel at that moment. If you start to think, all you - a corpse. Act - it's not about intelligence, it's about feelings.

At home I have built a fortress from the balloons. There are guns that shoot water and a slingshot that shoots balls. There are bridges and nooks where you can hide. I love this castle. Once a year I dress up a clown all the rules - with painted face and a red nose. And I give to all the children candy, cookies and ice cream.
I've never molest children. I could never harm a child. It's not in my heart, I'm not.

I have not claimed to be the King of Pop. It Elizabeth Taylor so I introduced seem to be on the presentation of American Music Awards. She said: "I believe he is the king of pop, rock and soul." And the press has picked up this phrase.

I am confident in my abilities and utterly unmoved. If I was up to something, no one can stop me.

Love - a funny thing to describe. It is so easy to feel, but it slips away when you talk about it. As a piece of soap in the bathtub - it's in your hand until sozhmesh it too hard.
Some people spend their lives looking for love outside themselves. They think they have to catch and hold it. But love slips away like a wet bar of soap.
Hold the love is not so wrong, but you must learn to hold it lightly, affectionately. Let it fly when it wants. If it is free, love makes life alive, joyful, and new. This is the essence and the energy that motivates my music, my dancing, everything. As long as love is in my heart, it's everywhere.

Faith begins with an understanding of what to be afraid of - okay. Feel fear - is not a problem, because everyone feels anxiety and uncertainty sometimes. The problem - not being honest enough to admit to fear. When I am aware of my doubts and insecurities, I'm more open to other people. The deeper I go into myself, the more I become, because I realize that I'm very much greater than any fear.

My understanding of magic - this is not the magic tricks and illusions on the stage. The whole world abounds in magic. When a whale emerges from the sea like a newborn mountain, you gasp of unspeakable delight. What a miracle! But the kid, barely learned to walk, who sees his first tadpole that flashes in a puddle of mud, feels the same. Wonder fills his heart, because he saw the eternal game of life ... What a pleasure should feel nature when it creates stars out of swirling gas and empty space. She scatters them like tinsel with a velvet cloak, billions of reasons for us to awaken in pure joy. When we open our hearts and give thanks for all that she has given us, Nature finds her reward. The sound of applause rolls across the universe, and the nature of bows ...

In the end, the most important thing - to be honest with themselves and their loved ones and work hard. That which is now, not tomorrow. Be of good cheer. Fight. Improve and cultivates his talent. Be the best at what you're doing. Learn about their activity more than anyone else alive. Use the tools to feed themselves - be it a book or a floor to dance or water to swim. Wherever it was - it's yours. That's what I always try to remember.

Do not make conclusions without talking with someone face to face, because only then can we understand the essence of this man!

I was accused that I'm obsessed with secrecy, and it's true. If you know, forever staring at you. Watching you. This is understandable, but it is not always pleasant. You may ask, why do I often appear wearing dark glasses, and I say - just because I hate all the time to see how staring at me. This is a trick that allows a little escape from the curiosity. When I pulled out a wisdom tooth, the dentist put a bandage on me, that I on my way home not swallowed germs. I like this band. It was great - much better than sunglasses - and I have some time for fun go to her. I belong to myself so little in my life that I want to hide at least part of themselves, a little rest from the people. This may seem strange, I know, but I love the solitude.

My gait is no moon, just the moon - my!

Do not offend people. I never ask. Do not live for others. All of this in our home was considered a sin.

I began to realize that even my father's harshness was a kind of love, of course, love the imperfect, but still love. He pushed me because he loved me. Because he wanted no one looked at his offspring from the top down. And over time, rather than bitterness, I feel blessing. Instead of anger, I found an excuse. And instead of revenge I have found reconciliation.

I love animals for their natural purity and sincerity. They do not judge you, do not talk, they just want to be your friends, or at least do not hide their intentions.

When I started to speak, I was little, cute and beautiful. Now I'm a big, lovely and beautiful.