Photo Michael Fassbender
Everyone already knows that Michael Fassbender - man no matter where. 35-year-old Irishman and a good judge of watched my movies to the best talent. Of course, the skill to Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt Fame him far away, but the actor's whole life ahead, and perhaps more than the role of age to give him easier. In the profession, he has more than 10 years, but so far it does not have the bright filmography role that made him a superstar. Yes, it is true, but in today's Russia on the big screens, viewers will see the film "Prometheus", where the company made Michael Charlize Theron and Noomi Rapace. Surrounded by such actresses, and even with the support of director Ridley Scott (remember the "Alien") Fassbender just prikuёt attention for the next two weeks. Well, how events will develop and further career of the actor to be seen.