Echo "Fukushima" (3 photos)
From the sea in the vicinity of the nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1" was caught fish with radiation levels 2,500 times greater than the maximum permissible limits. This was reported by the NPP operator.
Murasoi - fish similar to sea bass - caught in the port at the factory Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), reports AFP. The company's management told me that the amount of radioactive cesium in the catch was measured 254,000 becquerels per kilogram, 2540 times the maximum permissible level of radiation in seafood.
In the scientific journal published an article about the fact that the level of cesium in seafood caught near the scene of the disaster, has not decreased since 2011. In October 2012, about 40 percent of deep-sea species of marine life have demonstrated that levels of radioactive elements cesium-134 and 137 is many times greater than the maximum permissible limits laid down in Japan. Previously, local authorities, referring to samples taken in August, claimed that the level of cesium is not dangerous.
Source: strajj.livejournal.com -
Murasoi - fish similar to sea bass - caught in the port at the factory Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO), reports AFP. The company's management told me that the amount of radioactive cesium in the catch was measured 254,000 becquerels per kilogram, 2540 times the maximum permissible level of radiation in seafood.

In the scientific journal published an article about the fact that the level of cesium in seafood caught near the scene of the disaster, has not decreased since 2011. In October 2012, about 40 percent of deep-sea species of marine life have demonstrated that levels of radioactive elements cesium-134 and 137 is many times greater than the maximum permissible limits laid down in Japan. Previously, local authorities, referring to samples taken in August, claimed that the level of cesium is not dangerous.

Source: strajj.livejournal.com -
Three-meter boulder in the middle of the night broke into the room of women (3 photos)
House with Chimeras 01/23/2013